I am interested in crop circles and believe them to be a perplexingly powerful phenomenon that demands serious investigation not because I am…
Volume 20 Issue 6
Augmented Reality and Boundaries
Augmented Reality (AR) is here. TV sports fans experience it as an imaginary line superimposed onto a football field indicating where the ball…
Deprecate Grid Distance Dimensions
and use horizontal ground distance dimensions only…
The anomaly of having two nearly identical units of linear measurement has led the USA to discontinue the use of the “US Survey…
I Almost Died Today
The personal, handwritten, journal of the surveyor started a little differently this time. It simply stated, “I almost died today.” The surveyor was…
GEODNET: Global Earth Observation Decentralized Network
A Permissionless, Blockchain-Enabled Network of 3,000 RTK Stations (and Counting) That May Be the Future of Precise Location
Assuming you’ve ever traveled by plane, train, ship, or automobile, or received a package in the mail or through a shipping company, or…
From the Editor
From the Editor: Extraterrestrials?
No, not the marvelous monuments in the sky we call GPS. Rather the ones responsible for the crop circles that have appeared all…
Bad Backsights
Bad Backsights: Estates Sales & Moonlighting
Last month Laurie and I were driving through Carmichael or maybe it was Fair Oaks, on the way into Sacramento when…
Vantage Point
Vantage Point: La-la-la, I Can’t Hear You!
Sometimes it seems the biggest job we have is helping clients recognize what it is that they really need, which is not always…
Book Review: William A. Richards: Diaries of a Frontier Surveyor in Nebraska and Wyoming
This reviewer shall initiate this book review by ‘returning’ to a Wyoming secondary school in 1958 (an arbitrary date sentimental to the reviewer)….