Anderson/Griffin Properties v. Wallace Construction & Barrett was debated in North Carolina and settled about a decade ago. It’s still just a pup…
Author: Jason Foose, PS
Kandlik v. Hudek
Okay, I admit that I got lost in the chain of title right off the bat. So we’re going to cut right to…
Decided Guidance: Reitz v. Knight
The Barbershop Barrister
The barber’s chair is the podium of every layperson’s infinite wisdom. There’s just something in hair tonic that makes the jaws flap and…
Decided Guidance: The Heroics of Dykes v. Arnold
The last place a surveyor wants to be is in a courtroom. We are not trained in courtroom etiquette and a working surveyor…
Decided Guidance: What Would the Court Do?
Whether you read this column for entertainment or education, court decisions are peppered with instructions to the land surveyor. We always get a…
Decided Guidance: Dykes v. Arnold
“The two surveyors took dramatically different approaches to the task.”
Several years ago I wrote to The American Surveyor and asked old man Cheves why, if double proportioning is a last resort, is…
Decided Guidance: Dykes v. Arnold
“The two surveyors took dramatically different approaches to the task.”
Several years ago I wrote to The American Surveyor and asked old man Cheves why, if double proportioning is a last resort, is…
Product Review: Carlson Hybrid+
According to the futurist Daniel Burrus there’s a visible future if you know how and where to look. That’s precisely the warm and…
Decided Guidance: Broadus, Butternut, and Bowling for Brass Caps
We recently spent a lot of time in Butternut, Wisconsin, and I’m still not sure we are walking away with a full bag…
It's All About the Data
A Visit to Take-Off Professionals
We are in the dawn of a new era for industry. It has taken the foresight of some visionary folks and the better…