Thank you for bringing these articles back and please keep up the good work. A good reminder to our profession about the value…
Category: Column
Is it Intelligent to Attack the Artificial?
Artificial sweeteners—sounded good in theory, but now they are thought to be bad for us. Faux meat—real yecch. The synthesizer versus the electric…
Reflections of a Former Former Land Surveyor
2001 was a big year for me: I quit a fundamentalist Christian cult and adopted new beliefs about the eternal, moved from the…
Why Lawyers Need Surveyors
It’s always reassuring when lawyers acknowledge the value of the surveyor on the team. Our education and experience can help lawyers with their…
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way
By the time you read this, the “most important election in the history of our country” will have occurred, and no matter which…
Bad Backsights: A Matter of Degrees
It seems like the fastest way to get into a vigorous debate, if not an outright argument, with your fellow surveyor is to…
Vantage Point: FFRMS, Version 2024
FFRMS… It’s a mouthful of consonants but easier to say (or type) than “Federal Flood Risk Management Standard.” Having a broad-based FFRMS means…
Guest Editorial: Educating Our Staff
A Call to Action for Land Surveyors
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” – Henry Ford…
Bad Backsights: Freedom of Speech—What Does It Mean?
The First Amendment to the US Constitution enshrines the Freedom of Speech, along with the Freedom of Religion, right to assemble peaceably and…
Vantage Point: Taming the Glorious AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is pervading nearly every aspect of our lives. Businesses use it, educators use it, students use it, creative artists use…