The American Surveyor

Louisiana DOTD Goes Mobile to Inspect Levees and More with TerraGo Edge

Public Works and Water Resources Division using TerraGo Edge® to give field crews mobile forms on Android tablets for over 4,000 miles of annual levee inspections, plus customizable forms for any type of inspection including dams and reservoirs

Washington, D.C. – February 29, 2016 – TerraGo announced today the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) has deployed TerraGo Edge for the inspection of flood protection infrastructure including levees, dams and reservoirs.

The DOTD’s Public Works and Water Resources Division inspects over 1,100 miles of levees, four times, each and every year. The legacy inspection system was a custom-built application developed by an engineering services firm, which utilized Trimble® YUMA® ruggedized tablets. Over time, the system became less reliable and database updates were cumbersome and problematic. To truly fix the system would have meant more custom development services and other expenses. Each of the six YUMA tablets, fully configured, ran around $6,000. The annual software maintenance was also expensive at around $18,000, which did nothing to improve the reliability of the system.

“We really wanted a cloud-based system, so we wouldn’t need to maintain a database server on-site. And if we could deploy an Android solution, those tablets would only cost us about $200, so the hardware would be pennies on the dollar. We could break and replace a lot of Android tablets compared to a traditional, ruggedized GPS tablet at $6,000”, said Doug Taylor, Director of Levees, Dams and Reservoirs at the DOTD.

After a series of successful field trials, DOTD knew they had found a mobile solution that met their requirements across the board for reliability, ease of use and customizability, all with a cloud-based database solution at a fraction of the cost.

TerraGo Edge’s customizable forms mean the DOTD never has to pay a software services fee for modifying a hard-coded solution again. They can design their own forms, maps and workflows, flexibly changing them whenever needed to improve the speed and quality of inspections and maintenance.

“Honestly, my favorite part about TerraGo Edge is that it’s just easy to use”, said Taylor. “It’s easy to use in the field and it’s easy to get information and reports out whenever we need them. The challenge is always how to figure out the right forms and inspection workflow. We have hundreds of codes and things change over time. With Edge, we can customize our forms and process today, and know we can adjust things in the future. ”

To learn more about the Louisiana DOTD customer success story, download the case study.

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