The American Surveyor

ABC Critical of Senate Democratic Health Care Bill

Washington, D.C. – Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) President and CEO Kirk Pickerel today issued the following statement in reaction to the introduction of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unveiled by Democrats in the U.S. Senate:

“The Senate Democratic health care bill introduced by Senator Reid fails to provide the kind of reform working Americans desperately need. This bill does nothing to provide workers in the construction industry with more affordable care or increased health care options,” said Pickerel.

“Instead, it burdens small business employers with tax increases and government mandates at a time when the unemployment rate in the construction industry is already approaching 19 percent,” said Pickerel. “At a time when our industry is hemorrhaging jobs, this is not the kind of leadership we were hoping for from our elected leaders in Washington.

“To truly reform the health care system, Congress must explore every means available to help reduce costs on the American public, including medical malpractice tort reform. Congress should also consider the inclusion of Small Business Health Plans to allow workers in small businesses and the self-employed to join together to obtain the same economies of scale, purchasing clout, and administrative efficiencies from which employees of large employers and union-sponsored plans currently benefit,” said Pickerel.

“ABC believes health care is best administered on free-market principles, and cannot support a government takeover of the nation’s health care system,” said Pickerel.
About Associated Builders and Contractors
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national association representing 25,000 merit shop construction and construction-related firms in 79 chapters across the United States. Visit us at

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