The American Surveyor Makes Huge Splash in its First Month in Business

(January 2, 2008; Myersville, MD) Central, LLC, owner and operator of, makes a huge splash in their first month in business. From their launch the week before Thanksgiving through the end of December, received nearly 12,000 visits from employers and job seekers in the civil engineering community.

After just a little bit over a month on line, has nearly 200 registered job seekers who receive automated email agents when new positions are posted that fit their criteria. There were also 84 jobs posted during this time period from small firms like Hayter Engineering in East Texas to some of the largest, most well respected ENR Top 500 Firms like Parsons Brinckerhoff, URS, and Greenhorne & O’Mara, just to name a few.

The monthly newsletter produced by the site was also received very well. Each month produces an e-newsletter with an article written by an expert from the civil engineering community. On the flip side, both Matt Barcus & Carol Metzner, managing partners of A/E/P Central, LLC, have been asked to write monthly articles for one of the leading consultants to the A&E industry; this opportunity will draw further traffic and attention to the site and its offerings.

You will find advertising in many of the ASCE Section newsletters, on the website, on the website and numerous other outlets as well.

About, Inc., a full-service niche job board, specifically targeted to the civil engineering communities, is dedicated to helping professionals, corporations and public agencies connect with each other by providing the highest quality, most efficient and cost effective online recruiting method available. Product and service categories include: careers and recruitment. is a niche job board owned and operated by A/E/P Central, LLC.

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