A road centerline starts as a tangent curve of radius 264.15’ at a point 242.15’ from the P.I. It must be compounded to…
Author: Dave Lindell, PS
Test Yourself 77: Infinite Squares
What is the size of the smallest square shown? For the solution to this problem (and much more), please visit our website at:…
Test Yourself 76: XYZ
The small circle of radius 123.000’ is tangent to the inscribed triangle ABC at G, the circumcircle at H, and line DE, which…
Test Yourself 75: Find the Coordinates
What are the coordinates of points P and Q? For the solution to this problem (and much more), please visit our website at:…
Test Yourself 74: Find the Angles and Distances
Find angles A and C and lengths AD and EC. For the solution to this problem (and much more), please visit our website…
Test Yourself 73: Find The Areas
Find the areas of the parcels on each side of the roadway, excluding the roadway. For the solution to this problem (and much…
Test Yourself 72: …mmm
AF is the bisector of angle BAD in parallelogram ABCD. EBFG is also a parallelogram. What is angle BAD?. For the solution to…
Test Yourself 71: All Sines Point to a Solution
Given the data shown find the lengths of the sides where AB = BC, and the lengths of the two diagonals of the…
Test Yourself 70: Th-th-that’s all folks
Two square parcels, ABCD and DEFG, abut along line DEC. Side EF is 1389.11’, what is the area of triangle EGB?. For the…
Test Yourself 69: All Things Equal
Find point P such that one line from P to the midpoint of side A-B, one to the midpoint of side C-D, and…