The American Surveyor

Webinar: Mapping Water: Can You Really Do It?

Hosted by Eric Andelin CP, Senior Workflow Advisor, SimActive with guest speaker Austin Scheib, ASPRS Certified UAS Pilot.


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Webinar Announcement

Mapping areas with water through photogrammetry can be a challenge. Sun reflections and homogeneity between images can really make the process difficult. Resulting DSMs/DTMs can often be noisy, while orthomosaics may present color issues. To mitigate this, additional tie points can be used while performing aerial triangulation, or existing polygons of water bodies can be applied with fixed elevation values. Moreover, seamline editing can be done to create the best possible orthomosaic by choosing images or areas within images where little glare can be found. Austin Scheib joins us to discuss some of the challenges he has faced, and best practices involved in mapping around water.

Specifically, attendees will learn about the following:

  • Considerations before flight
  • Options for successful aerial triangulation
  • Ways to fix DSMs/DTMs
  • Solutions to ensure the quality of mosaics
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