The American Surveyor

MAPPS Presents the 2020 Geospatial Products and Services Excellence Awards

Orlando, FL (January 27, 2021) MAPPS honored members with the 2020 Geospatial Excellence Awards as part of their 14th annual Awards Presentation that took place Tuesday, January 26, 2021. The event was hosted by Riegl USA in conjunction with the 2021 Winter Meeting in Orlando, FL January 26-27.

The Geospatial Excellence Awards are presented to Regular and Associate Member firms whose entries exemplify the professionalism, value, integrity and achievement of the firm’s staff as demonstrated over the previous year. A distinguished and impartial panel of two judges evaluated the submitted projects from five categories: Data Acquisition & Processing, Surveying/Field Data Collection, GIS/IT/Remote Sensing Analysis, Small Projects (no entries were submitted for this category), and Technology Innovation/Licensed Data Products. A winner was selected for each category with submissions.

MAPPS presented:

  • The Geospatial Excellence Award for Data Acquisition and Processing to WGI – The East Selmon Expressway from North Morgan Street to Interstate 75
  • The Geospatial Excellence Award for Surveying/Field Data Collection to Michael Baker International, Inc. – Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) Curb Box Inspection Program
  • The Geospatial Excellence Award for GIS/IT/Remote Sensing Analysis to Tetra Tech – Digital Wall Map Solution – Sunoco Pennsylvania Pipeline Project / Mariner East 2
  • The Geospatial Excellence Award for Small Projects to GEO1 – Acquiring LiDAR of Colombia’s Ancient La Mojana Region
  • The Geospatial Excellence Award for Technology Innovation/Licensed Data Products to Vexcel Imaging – UltraCam Osprey 4.1 – The New Standard in Aerial Mapping
  • The Geospatial Excellence- Members Choice Award to RIEGL USA – The RIEGL VQ-1560 II: Taking You to New Heights
  • The Geospatial Excellence- Project of the Year Grand Award to Vexcel Imaging – UltraCam Osprey 4.1 – The New Standard in Aerial Mapping

“The MAPPS Geospatial Excellence Awards showcase the outstanding projects conducted by MAPPS member firms over the past year,” stated MAPPS President Mark Brooks.  “We honor all of our members for their achievements and we congratulate Vexcel Imaging for the dedication to technology advancement.”

The MAPPS Winter meeting is being held in Orlando at MAPPS member firm GPI Geospatial’s hangar with over 50 geospatial professionals in attendance.  Brooks said, “MAPPS is pleased with the turnout at our 2021 Winter Meeting.  The GPI facility has allowed us to maintain social distancing. All attendees have been required to test negative for COVID-19 prior to attending our event.  MAPPS has prioritized our members’ safety, while providing a much-requested, in-person event.”

About the Management Association of Private Photogrammetric Surveyors
MAPPS is exclusively a private sector organization focused on the needs of the membership by providing a forum for the mutual benefit of its members. It invites the participation of government employees, academicians, and technical papers only that directly support the objectives of MAPPS members. As a business association, MAPPS is dedicated to developing the growth and improving the bottom line profitability of its member firms. MAPPS provides valuable interaction with, but does not duplicate or compete with the technical programs of ACSM, ASPRS, URISA, GITA and other professional organizations. To learn more visit 

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