The American Surveyor

Pix4D Announces Pix4Dmatic: Accurate, Faster Photogrammetry on a Larger Scale

Generic Pix4DmaticLausanne, Switzerland, [September 22, 2020] Today, photogrammetry leader Pix4D is announcing the commercial release of Pix4Dmatic: the digital photogrammetry software for accurate and fast corridor and large scale mapping.

Pix4Dmatic has been created to suit an evolving demand as professionals map bigger and bigger areas around the world. Projects that would have previously been mapped by aircraft are now being surveyed with drones. With Pix4Dmatic, these expert projects are made possible and easier.

Drone flights beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS), when permitted by law, are often considered the next frontier of drone mapping. Pix4Dmatic now offers support also for the large datasets resulting from multiple flights by easily processing over 10,000 images without compromising the results’ accuracy. This software will potentially open the door to a new era of drone mapping.

Pix4D is a Swiss company that develops a suite of software products that use photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms to transform RGB, thermal and multispectral images into 3D maps and models.

Christoph Strecha, Pix4D’s Founder and CEO, explains: “Pix4Dmatic will revolutionize the way corridor and large scale surveys are completed by creating the opportunity for every surveying and mapping professional to achieve high-quality and reliable results.”

Digital photogrammetry has become an essential part of every modern surveyors’ toolkit and has inspired hundreds of new drone mapping businesses around the world. Pix4Dmatic is now unlocking another scale in digital photogrammetry by making the processing faster and the experience more intuitive.

Pix4Dmatic is now available for purchase for Windows and macOS on, via official resellers, or by contacting the Pix4D sales team.

About Pix4D
Pix4D ( develops cutting-edge software that converts images taken by hand, drone, or plane into accurate and georeferenced survey-grade 2D mosaics, 3D models, and point clouds. Founded in 2011, Pix4D is rapidly expanding from its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, to offices in Berlin, Madrid, Denver, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Tokyo.

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