The American Surveyor

Request for Proposal: Geodetic Survey—ND State Plane Coordinate System

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) is requesting the services of qualified engineering firms to perform Geodetic Survey to complete the following project.


NDDOT intends to execute one cost plus fixed fee contract requiring monthly billings with the chosen firm to complete the project. NDDOT reserves the right to assign work in phases and have the firm selected perform any additional work not currently assigned. Project work items may be added or removed from the contract by work authorization or supplementary agreement.

This is for a Survey to develop a Low Distortion Projection (LDP) coordinate system to cover the entire state of North Dakota (ND) due on March 19, 2019 in accordance with NDCC 24-02-07.3.

Presently the NDDOT uses the NAD83 datum in two zones (North and South) and projects the state plane coordinate to a county ground coordinate by utilizing a combination factor created for each county.  In 2022 the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) will no longer provide data based on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) reference frame, which is the current NDDOT standard for surveys and designs.  The new reference frame will be called the “State Plane Coordinate System of 2022 (SPCS2022)”.  The following tasks will need to be completed.

Task 1
NDDOT is requesting a design of a multi-zone LDP coordinate system to provide coverage of the entire state of ND with zone boundaries that follow county boundaries.   The zones will need to be designed so the accuracy of the resulting coordinates will be within +/-20 ppm (1:50,000) with a slightly greater distortion allowable in small areas of some zones.  The number of zones will be minimized while achieving the design distortion criterion.  Analysis and design will be performed with software and digital topographic height models created by the consultant.  Design alternatives will be limited to the Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic projections.  It is estimated that ND will have approximately 15 County combined zones created to cover the entire state.


  • Distortion maps of preliminary and final designs for review
  • Projection parameters for all zones
  • Zone performance statistics

Task 2
The consultant will provide input and assist the ND State Geodetic Coordinator during stakeholder input from other ND Survey, Engineering, and Geospatial communities.  It is anticipated that two meetings will need to be attended.  The Consultant Geodesist Expert shall be available via webinar, in person, or by teleconference for these meetings.

Task 3
The consultant will create digital maps as tabloid size files in pdf format for all the LDP zones and an overall statewide LDP and index map.  Zone maps will include complete LDP definition.


  • 11” x 17” distortion maps for LDP zone
  • 11” x 17” map of entire state showing all LDP zones
  • 5” x 11” LDP index map of entire state

Task 4
The consultant will develop educational materials to be used by NDDOT for providing training on the LDP coordinate system throughout the state.  Education materials consist of a PowerPoint presentation, coordinate dataset for calculation checks, and instructions on entry of definitions into common commercial software.


  • PowerPoint presentation suitable for training session of up to 2-hour duration (including notes)
  • Test dataset of northing/easting and latitude/longitude coordinates for calculation checks
  • Create definition files for each zone for up to six software packages.

Task 5
The consultant will develop documentation giving official complete definition of all LDP zones, including maps for each zone, coordinate calculations examples, and instructions for entry into common commercial software.


  • Document in Word and .PDF format providing complete official definitions of LDP coordinate system, including digital maps, and calculation and software entry examples from educational materials

Task 6
The consultant will perform revisions and refinements that may be required of LDP design, educational materials, and documentation based on feedback from NDDOT and ND Geospatial communities.


  • Final versions of educational PowerPoint file, LDP coordinate system documentation
  • Documentation of what is required by Esri to ensure the LDP coordinate systems for ND are included in the ArcGIS software
  • GIS Files for each zone:
  • Esri ArcGIS Desktop documents (*.mxd and .aprx files)
  • LDP Projection files (*.prj)
  • GIS raster data files of LDP linear distortion (including metadata (ISO 19139))
  • Data files (Esri file geodatabase) of zones attributed with projection parameters and metadata (ISO 19139)

Task 7
Quality assurance and quality control measures will be adhered to in the finalization of creation of the LDP zones.  No field verification surveys are anticipated for the completion of this project.

It is anticipated that NGS will have final policies and procedures published in early 2019.  NGS will have to approve the ND zone designs, therefore, NDDOT in conjunction with the consultant will need to verify that all policies and procedures are adhered to when creating the design. Modifications to the scope of work and deliverables listed in this RFP are not anticipated at this time.

Firms interested in performing the work must be qualified to perform Geodetic Survey.

Interviews will be conducted tentatively 30 days from the due date of this proposal.

Attached with the RFP, is the Risk Management Appendix.

All design and project data will become the property of NDDOT upon completion of the final submittal.  All applicable project information will be generated in the following formats and standards:

  • MS Word and MS Excel
  • MircoStation SS4 (
  • Geopak SS4 (
  • NDDOT CADD Manual
  • Microsoft “Project”
  • NDDOT Data Collection Codes and Procedures
  • Adobe Acrobat (standard or compatible)

The services outlined in the project description requiring NGS approval shall be completed no later than December 1, 2019.  The remaining services outlined in the project description will be determined in the scope and fee phase.

Sub Consultant firms that have been contacted and agree to be listed on the Prime Consultants Project Proposal for work with NDDOT must submit original form and one copy to be attached to the Prime Consultants Proposal.  This form is used for informational purposes only.  See NDDOT web site for form SFN 60232.  ( )

The successful firm will be required to include the attached ‘Prime Consultant Request to Sublet’ form for each Sub consultant listed on the contract prior to execution of the contract.  The form assures that the contract between the Prime consultant and all Sub consultants contains all the pertinent provisions and requirements of the prime contract with the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT). See NDDOT web site for form SFN 60233.

If the Prime consultant has a DBE as a sub-consultant then they will also be required to submit SFN 61412-DBE Consultant-Commercially Useful Function (CUF)

The North Dakota Department of Transportation, in accordance  with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C.§§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations,  hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively  ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,  disadvantaged  business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated  against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 (CFR) states that the consultant, sub recipient, or sub consultant  shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. Consultants shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the solicitation, award, and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts.  Failure by the consultant, to carry out these requirements is a material breach of the contract, which may result in the termination of the contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. For information regarding the DBE Program, see the DBE Program Manual at

Title VI/Nondiscrimination and ADA
Title VI assures that no person or group of persons may, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs or activities administered by the Department.  For information regarding Title VI, see the Title VI/Nondiscrimination and ADA Program at

The two paragraphs above apply to every consultant on the project, including every tier of sub consultant. It is the consultant’s, or sub consultant’s responsibility to include the two above paragraphs in every subcontract.

Engineering firms interested in performing the work must submit 4 hard copies of their proposal and one electronic copy in PDF format. Both the hard copies and electronic copy must be submitted prior to the date and time listed on the cover of this RFP to be considered. Late proposals will not be considered.

Proposals shall be submitted to:
Steve Cunningham
Environmental and Transportation Services Division
608 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505

  • Each proposal shall contain a cover letter signed by an authorized officer who can sign contracts for the firm. The pages of the cover letter will not be counted as a part of the pages. Also include the individuals email address below each signature on the cover letter.
  • The proposal pages shall be numbered and must be limited to 3 pages in length. Proposals that exceed the page length requirement will not be considered. This section should contain your approach and project specific plan.
  • The consultant’s proposal shall include an appendix. The appendix may include updated Federal form 330 if you do not have one on file with CAS. The pages in the appendix will not be counted as a part of the pages. The appendix shall include the following in this order:

Appendix A

  • A schedule for the project. If accepted the schedule will be included as part of the contract.

Appendix B

  • A staffing plan identifying the key project personnel (including titles, education, and work experience) and the respective roles and responsibilities for the project.

Appendix C    

    • Project Specific QC/QA Plan including check lists, persons, responsibilities, proposed submittals and reviews, and DOT response timelines. The QC/QA Plan will be reviewed by the NDDOT and, if accepted, become part of the project after the contract has been signed.

Appendix D

    • Sub-consultants and associated activities to be completed by the sub-consultants. Attach proposed sublet form SFN 60232 for each sub at the end of this section.

Each proposal will be evaluated by a selection committee consisting of NDDOT staff members and/or representatives.  NDDOT reserves the right to limit the interviews to a minimum of three firms whose proposals most clearly meet the RFP requirements.  Firms not selected to be interviewed will be notified in writing.

Selection will be on the basis of the following weighted criteria:


  • __10%___   i. Past performance
  • __10%___   ii. Ability of professional personnel
  • __10%___   iii. Willingness to meet time and budget requirements
  • __5%___     iv. Location
  • __5%___     v. Recent, current, and projected workloads of the persons and/or firms
  • __25%___   vi. Related experience on similar projects
  • __5%___     vii. Recent and current work for the agency
  • __30%___   viii. Project understanding, issues, and approach
  • __5%_             ix. DBE: Up to 5 points may be awarded for good faith efforts to utilize DBE’s in case of tied scores

Weights for each criteria are assigned independently for each specific project by CAS and the

Project Technical Representative. Maximum total weight is 100 points.  5 additional points

maybe awarded for good faith efforts to utilize DBE’s in the event of a tie.

Consultants are strongly encouraged to use DBE sub consultant services where applicable. The proposal must contain a list of any tasks that may be let to sub consultants should the consultant be awarded the contract. It must also contain the specific good faith efforts made by the consultant, to achieve DBE participation, in the areas intended for sub-consulting. Consultant interviews will include questions regarding good faith efforts (see 49 CFR Part 26, Appendix A: Guidance Concerning Good Faith Efforts, Paragraph IV. A-H) to achieve DBE participation.  DBE participation will be a consideration during the negotiation stage of each contract.

The North Dakota Department of Transportation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

At the conclusion of the selection process, the contents of the short-listed proposals will be subject to North Dakota’s Open Records Law and may be open to inspection by interested parties.  Any information included in the proposal that the proposing party believes to be a trade secret or proprietary information must be clearly identified in the proposal.  Any identified information recognized as such and protected by law may be exempt from disclosure.

The Risk Management Appendix/Addendum will be incorporated into the agreement between NDDOT and the consultant. Firms must be able to provide a proper Certificate of Insurance within 15 days of notification of Selection.

Consulting firms proposing to do work for the NDDOT must have a current audit rate no older than 12 months from the close of the firm’s Fiscal Year. Firms that do not meet this requirement will not qualify to propose or contract for NDDOT projects until the requirement is met.  Firms that have submitted all the necessary information to the NDDOT and are waiting for the completion of the audit will be qualified to submit proposals for work.  Information submitted by a firm that is incomplete will not qualify. Out of state firms can submit a current accepted FARS audit rate from a cognizant agency.  Under certain conditions NDDOT may offer a Safe Harbor Rate of 110% to firms that do not have a compliant rate.

If necessary, please update contact information for receiving RFP’s via email

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