The American Surveyor

Table of Contents – The American Surveyor – Vol.13, No10 2016

Thought Leader: The Mega Cities
More than half of the world’s people live in urban areas.
By Robert W. Foster, PE, PS
Decided Guidance: James Harris et al v. Kenneth Robertson et al
"The best available evidence" is only possible by interviewing the concerned parties.
By Jason E. Foose, PS
Curt Brown Chronicles: The Surveyor and the Law
Canadian and US laws stem from English common law and are identical in many ways.
Compiled By Michael J. Pallamary, PS
Tunnel in the Sky
Tunneling around a landslide that severed a vital water link to the City of Fort Collins.
By Robert T. Loane Iii, PS, Mark A. Hall, PS, and Douglas W. Chinn, PS
Monitoring the Oldest Datum
Rising oceans present challenges for natural and manmade coastal environments.
By John Stenmark, PS
Putting a Lid On It
GNSS brings impressive savings in the decommissioning of a massive Phoenix area landfill.
By Larry Trojak
Test Yourself 36: Maximum Distance
Exercising geometry and trigonometry skills.
By Dave Lindell, PS
Vantage Point: When Threatened, Sue
Examining lawsuits, including SLAPP, or Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
By Wendy Lathrop, PS, CFM
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