The American Surveyor

Call to Truly Understand Accuracy Requirements in UAV LiDAR Surveys

The success of Routescene®’s invitation-only UK Roadshows earlier this year continued to demonstrate that survey knowledge has to be at the heart of every UAV LiDAR survey. Routescene calls for all end users and service companies to ensure they partner with experienced surveyors and certified UAV service providers to achieve the outcomes they require.

Routescene have always advocated that survey and competent UAV flying skills are two discrete skills sets. Ignoring this will compromise results. The difference between satisfactory and excellent data outputs is due to the close collaboration between surveyor, UAV service provider and data analyst. Achieving this skills mix is alchemy at its best.

Gert Riemersma, CEO of Routescene, states, “LiDAR and UAV are two emerging technologies still in their infancy. It is paramount that sound survey techniques and aviation principles are applied to any UAV LiDAR survey. We instil the need for a considered and rigorous approach to achieve the maximum output from any LiDAR instrument in as safe a manner as possible.”

Gert has been working with LiDAR since 2008. A qualified land surveyor and private pilot, Gert previously worked for many years in the Oil & Gas industry as a hydrographic surveyor. He has used this wealth of practical experience with survey sensors; in particular, GPS/INS, to develop the Routescene UAV LidarPod® and provide expert survey advice to clients.

“Inexperienced survey or flight teams combined with a lack of survey planning can mean many hours of post-processing to achieve satisfactory results. Anticipating all the operational considerations of undertaking a UAV LiDAR survey, particularly looking at the workflow of processing the data in the field, has a huge positive impact on the quality of the resulting data and reduces data processing time.”

Routescene are exhibiting on Stand 11, UK Pavilion, Hall A1 at Intergeo 2016 and would be delighted to address these practical aspects.

About Routescene®   
Routescene® is a global operation. We offer authoritative insight across all aspects of data management and have industry recognition as data visualisation experts. We understand the problems the survey industry needs to solve and have combined intelligent thinking with experience to design a reliable and practical solution to deliver fast geospatial data capture, analysis and visualisation to improve commercial decisions and performance. Call to Truly Understand Accuracy Requirements in UAV LiDAR Surveys

About the Routescene LidarPod®
A market-leading 3D mapping technology designed specifically for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). A turnkey system developed to save time, improve efficiencies and productivity. It enables faster surveys, decreasing time in the field and reducing data download time, ensuring users are working with resulting datasets within hours. This integrated product is lightweight, compact and accurate enabling safe and cost effective surveys that previously could not have taken place.

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