The American Surveyor

PRIA Announces Recipient of Carl R. Ernst Founders Award

Dubuque, Iowa – The Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) presented the Carl R. Ernst Founders Award to Carol Foglesong, assistant comptroller, Orange Co., Fla., in a surprise announcement, made during the group’s Annual Membership Meeting, by Kay Wrucke, recorder, Martin Co., Minn., and Mark Ladd, vice president, Regulatory and Industry Affairs, for Simplifile, LLC.

The PRIA Founders Award was created to honor an industry member who not only reflects the association’s core values, but who has provided proven, unparalleled leadership in addressing specific industry needs and standards.

PRIA President Ladd noted during the announcement that, “Foglesong has been a tireless volunteer, contributing her intellectual resources and limitless energy to the PRIA work teams with which she has engaged through the years.”

Through the support and encouragement of the late Carl Ernst, for whom this Founders Award was named, Foglesong first became active in the Property Records Industry Joint Task Force (PRIJTF). This task force was the forerunner to what would eventually become PRIA.

She joined the PRIA Board of Directors as an Advisory Member in 2002 and in 2005 was elected to the board as a representative of the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks.

In 2006 she was elected by her fellow board members to serve as the association’s treasurer and the following year was elected to serve as just the second president of PRIA.

When Foglesong retires as the Assistant Comptroller of Orange County in early 2017, county governments throughout the State of Florida and across the country will lose a “shining star.” In her home state of Florida, she is widely known for her leadership and knowledge. She holds the unofficial title as “The Stats Keeper.” Each year, she contacts everyone in Florida seeking a myriad of statistics: how many documents and pages did you record, how many tax appeals were filed, how many hearings did you hold, how many commissioners meetings did you have, how many tax deed sales were held, how much do you pay your Special Magistrates and more. When anyone across the country wants to know anything about recording, they call her.

She has developed friendships and business relationships that have propelled PRIA into the forefront of the industry, while continuing to exemplify and honor what Carl Ernst and the other PRIA founders so passionately created.

Foglesong’s passion for learning, her persistence for perfection and her tireless efforts have helped PRIA “get the job done.” She has been enthusiastic and selfless with the time that she has dedicated to PRIA and other similar associations, be they on the national stage or at the regional and state level.

Foglesong has provided an exemplary level of leadership in PRIA. A tireless proponent and supporter of all things property records, she is thoughtful and measured in her pursuit to get things done. She is energetic, exacting and on point. Her memory for details is unsurpassed. She sticks with a project until it is completed and also keeps everyone else on task.

Her participation with PRIA work projects and committees has been significant in PRIA’s mission to develop and promote national standards and best practices for the property records industry.

About PRIA
PRIA develops and promotes national standards and best practices for the property recording industry by identifying appropriate opportunities for collaboration among industry stakeholders; developing recommendations for standards and best practices; encouraging and supporting the adoption of such standards and practices; providing a clearinghouse for property-records-related information; and educating members, stakeholders and the public about the property records industry. For more information, visit

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