3D Services Is Expanding Its Services To Now Offer Underwater 3D Laser Scanning

December 2015 – Hamden, CT ––3D Services is expanding their services to now offer Underwater 3D laser scanning. The new service is in addition to the standard 3D laser scanning & aerial surveying that the company offers to provide fast, accurate and detailed data.

This new service is a proven solution for underwater inspections. Previously, sonar technology was the main solution for underwater inspections, modeling and measurements. However, sonar does not provide the level of detail necessary for many underwater projects.

Now, we are able to provide high resolution scans and accurate 3D models of underwater structures or topography. This will allow us to instantaneously and repeatedly capture accurate data points within less than 1mm and with a resolution of .01mm. This high detail provides the data needed to avoid risks and serious liability-related costs, as well as provide higher quality, more accurate data than ever before to our clients.

About 3D Services
3D Services is a CT based company that provides services to New England and beyond. Since 2012, 3D Services has been pushing the limits of technology with Aerial Photogrammetry/Surveying and 3D Laser Scanning. They continue to offer alternatives to the standard data collection process by bringing high tech data acquisition to a whole new level. 3D Services produces fast, accurate and complete 3D data for even the most complex surfaces and inaccessible environments very efficiently. For further information check out www.threed-services.com