The American Surveyor

3D Innovation Center Changes Name from 3DIC to 3IT, the Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies

Berlin, 04 September 2014 – At the second anniversary celebration of the 3D Innovation Center, chairman of the Steering Committee, Dr. Ralf Schäfer, officially announced that the name of the innovation center will change.

In the future the efforts will no longer solely concentrate on 3D technology but will include all immersive technologies like UHD, HDR, HFR etc. as well as image and video applications from the medical and industrial sectors. By taking this step the innovation center wants to show that it takes the development of the market and of their partners into careful consideration. To make the extension of the scope more visible the Steering Committee voted for a change of name. The future name of the 3D Innovation Center will be: Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies, 3IT in short. The logo and the website will be adapted und published soon.

In addition, the venue of the innovation center at Salzufer in Berlin will be extended as well. In the future partners can also use another 500m2 (CINIQ Center). Fully equipped and with a modern design the added room offers enough space also for bigger events.

The 3D Innovation Center is established and run by the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute.

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