The American Surveyor

Engravings of USGS Maps and Other Illustrations to be Available for Transfer, Donation, or Sale

Beginning this summer the Federal Government will release excess engravings once used to reproduce U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic and geologic maps and other scientific illustrations.

The process makes these unique engravings, created from the 1880s to the 1950s, available for transfer to Federal agencies; for donation to State and local governments, certain non-profit educational and other organizations, and public agencies; and for sale to the public.

Those interested in obtaining engravings need to understand the phases of the process; know how to request the engravings; plan the logistics to receive, pack, load, and transport them; and be ready to request a donation or to make a purchase offer when the engravings become available.

More information about the engravings and the process for transfer, donation, or sales of the engravings is available through

State and local governments, certain non-profit educational and other organizations, and public agencies interested in receiving a donation should establish their eligibility now with their State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP). The SASPs are listed at Only the SASP can request a donation on your behalf.

The engravings will be available through a process managed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

USGS will post supporting status information weekly through

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