Two Promotions and One Senior Level Hire at Atlantic

Atlantic, a Huntsville-based company specializing in remote sensing, surveying and consulting services, has promoted two senior level employees, and hired one. Kimberly Denney and Paul Weyant, Jr. have been promoted to Associate Vice President. William “Mike” Harper, new to Atlantic, joined the company as Senior Account Manager.

“Kimberley Denney, Paul Weyant and Mike Harper have extensive experience and skills that provide better and more comprehensive solutions to our government and private sector clients,” said Brian Mayfield, President and COO of Atlantic. “Each of them are of great value to our team.”

Denney, who now serves as Associate Vice President, joined Atlantic in 2011 as an Account Manager, specializing in local and state government accounts throughout the southeast region. She has been an active member of the Tennessee Geographic Information Council, as the first Alabama TNGIC member to be elected to the Board of Directors and the youngest female Board member.

Weyant, who is now Associate Vice President for Atlantic, joined the company in 2008 as GIS Manager and currently oversees the day-to-day operations of all production phases. Weyant has nearly 20 years of experience in mapping and geologic surveys, including work for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the USDA Soil Conservation Service.

Harper has more than 30 years of experience in the real property assessment field. Prior to his new role at Atlantic, Harper served as Elmore County’s first Revenue Commissioner for 22 years. In addition, he aided as a Senior Instructor for the Auburn University Center for Governmental Services and for the Alabama Department of Revenue. He is a Supernumerary Member of the International and Alabama Associations of Assessing Officers (IAAO and AAAO), as well as a Supernumerary Member of the Association of Alabama Tax Administrators (AATA). Before taking Supernumerary, Harper played an active role as a member of the AATA committee charged with rewriting the Alabama Appraisal Manual.

About Atlantic
Atlantic is a technology-driven remote sensing, surveying and consulting business. Atlantic’s staff of certified professionals, who are known as thought leaders in their field, provide geospatial and consulting solutions to government and private sector clients. For more information, please visit