The American Surveyor

GEODIS Helps Czech Republic with Monitoring this Year’s Floods

GEODIS, the biggest geoinformatics company in Czech Republic, helps Czech cities and municipalities, as well as in 2002, to monitor the current flood situation. For this purpose, GEODIS has earmarked part of its aerial fleet, one mobile mapping system placed on the car and two unmanned aerial vehicles (quadrocopter and octocopter) provided with a digital camera.

For example on Monday 3rd of June 2013 one unmanned aerial vehicle (DRON) was used for monitoring the current floods in Prague district Troja (see picture), mainly because of the possibility to quickly obtain image data of the affected area, speed and flexibility of its deployment.

From real-time aerial shots the orthophotomaps and digital terrain models will be prepared and this data will use the crisis staffs as the sources for analysis and for creation of additional flood control arrangements. Moreover the shots acquired by drones are broadcasted by Czech Television for its special flood newscast. Drones have significantly complemented other mapping devices of GEODIS.

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