AeroMetric Awarded Texas DBITS Contract

Austin, TX, March 13, 2013 – Aero-Metric, Inc. (AeroMetric) was recently awarded a contract with the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) for Deliverables Based IT Services (DBITS) as part of its Cooperative Contracts program to state and local government, public education, and other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state.

The DIR leads the state of Texas’ efforts to provide quality Information Technology (IT) resources and solutions by pre-qualifying providers of these services to perform best-value contracts through the DBITS purchasing program. Through this program, AeroMetric will be offering qualified US government clients top-quality services and solutions nationwide through a streamlined contracting process.

AeroMetric is one of only three geospatial consulting firms to have been selected for a DBITS contract, giving clients the distinct advantage of having a vetted firm with a specialized knowledge-base to leverage in their geospatial IT projects. Clients can get engage directly with AeroMetric using the DIR-provided Statement of Work (SOW) template, filling out project details, and submitting it directly to AeroMetric. Once the SOW is received, AeroMetric will contact the client to discuss project details and deliverables, and to negotiate a price. Contracting only requires sending a signed Purchase Order (PO) and SOW to AeroMetric.

As an approved Texas DIR Cooperative Contracts DBITS provider, AeroMetric is qualified to provide services in the following categories:
• Technology Upgrade/Migration and Transformation
• Application Maintenance and Support
• Project Management

AeroMetric Vice President Steve Ellis explains, “The DBITS contract really streamlines how we provide services to our clients and gives them the best value for their geospatial IT investment. DBITS enables our clients to start a conversation about project needs and scope with us from day one. Our proven solutions combined with the capabilities and expertise of our staff allows us tackle projects of any size anywhere in the US. All a client needs to do to engage with us is to go to our DBITS site, download the template SOW and submit it to us via the provided web form or email.”

About AeroMetric
Aero-Metric, Inc. (AeroMetric), is a full-service geospatial solutions company built on over eight decades of consistent, quality service and enduring client relationships. The firm offers a comprehensive range of on-target geospatial solutions including the latest in enterprise GIS services; photogrammetric, LiDAR, satellite and airborne imaging technology and has earned a reputation for technical excellence, superior service, and on-time, on-budget delivery. For more information please call 1-800-558-6707 or visit