The American Surveyor

Adtollo Releases Topocad 14.2

A new version of Topocad – Topocad 14.2 is now released by the company Adtollo. This version contains improvements as well as completely new functions. For example Topocad 14.2 enables coloring of point clouds with raster photos and a brand new Create object command.

Some of the new functions in Topocad 14.2
In the new Topocad 14.2 the point cloud module is extended with the possibility of importing from LAS version 1.3. The module also contains a function that makes it possible to color point clouds using information from raster photos. Simply import a point cloud and ad a georeferenced ortophoto.

“The new version of Topocad is a major version in between version 14.0 and 15.0. Some of the changes are made to stabilize the software but we have also focused on expanding and adding desired functions by both our Swedish market and our foreign market, above all Russia. 14.2 will be the last big version before we release Topocad 15 in about a year – our first major version that will support 64 bit. We know that many of our customers will continue using version 14.2 for a long time – a notion that has been a hallmark for us during the entire development process”, says Tomas Sandström, partner and business manager, surveying and mapping at Adtollo.

A big expansion has been made in the Create line command. The user can now choose absolute coordinates, delta measurements or length/angle when specifying new points. Combined with the possibility of choosing coordinates or length/angle from other objects the user gets greater options when creating new points in polylines or polygons. The command is of course three dimensional and facilitates 3D editing.

Topocad 14.2 measurement data now reads the Leica LandXML (Hexagon LandXML) format. Measurement data can also handle linked images that can be made visible in the drawing.

The possibility of reporting volumes from terrain models and point clouds has been developed for Topocad 14.2. You add a grid on the volume calculated area. The total volume and height of every quadrat in the grid is then reported. There are several different settings and possibilities which make it easier to overview volumes.

In the CAD-section of Topocad there is a new function for automatically generating drawing sheets. This is basically two functions in one. The first is constructed to expand the area surrounding points. For each chosen point Topocad creates a new drawing sheet with the view centered on that point – a function that makes it possible to generate a large amount of point drawings. You can also choose a road line and automatically generate drawing sheets that is parallel to that road line, related through an automatic connection line.

“We have gathered two desired functions in one. When we discussed the function to automatically generate drawings we noticed that desires came from different directions but was still very much connected. We think that this new two-in-one-function became very functional”, says Tomas Sandström.

“Another long awaited function is the new Cut command. Select an area and clear everything else of a map simply by leaving it unselected – a highly useful function for municipalities that need to export data to other users. We also built in a command for creating new areas from other objects. It reminds you a bit of the Fill command in Paint but we give the new object a little bit more information. An excellent way of creating so called foot prints and a function that always creates accurate geometries”, continues Tomas Sandström.

When it comes to file formats Topocad 14.2 allows import and export of several new formats, all based on XML. The new transmission format for detail planning is introduced together with KommunGML. DWG/DXF formats are updated and the Mapinfo format .mif is improved.

When it comes to database adapters there are now annotations in the ArcGIS connection and in the FDO you can now add layer descriptions.

About Adtollo
Topocad is Adtollos most known product. It is a CAD/GIS application with more than 20 000 licenses spread over the world. Adtollo develops software for those who build society. Our systems help you with project, drawing and document management, surveying and CAD – and to bring order to your chaos.

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