The American Surveyor

DeLorme inReach Satellite Communicator Provides Two-Way Global Tracking and Safety Data Links for Esri Customers

Enterprise Subscribers Can Serve GPS Tracking and Messages from Multiple inReach™ Devices to Esri Web Portal for Real-Time Display on Map

Yarmouth, Maine – July 24, 2012 – At the 2012 Esri Users Conference, DeLorme is showcasing how Esri customers can push tracking data and messages from remote inReach™ satellite communicators into the Esri Tracking Server for display on a secure web portal.

Introduced in late 2011, DeLorme’s inReach is the first affordable personal two-way satellite communicator offering global Follow-Me/Find-Me Tracking and Locating, SOS alerting and text messaging. It uses the Iridium satellite network for pole-to-pole coverage, high network reliability and low-latency duplex data links with end-to-end message delivery in less than 60 seconds anywhere on Earth. When paired wirelessly with an Android or Apple smartphone or tablet, it provides two-way free-form text or email messaging in areas beyond the reach of terrestrial cellular networks.

Subscribers using the Enterprise version of inReach can access online tools that enable tracking and message data from one or more inReach devices to be forwarded automatically to the Esri Tracking Server in Java Script Object Notation (JSON) format. The JSON-format data is decoded to a DeLorme-specific Esri Feature Class for display as a map data layer. This permits the customer’s operations center to view the location, tracks and messages from multiple team members on a map display.

“From my perspective as a former wildland fire manager, the DeLorme inReach team-tracking capability provides a critical communication link with teams fighting wildfires in wilderness areas,” said Tom Patterson, Esri Wildland Fire Specialist. “In the past, we had to rely on radio communications, which can be spotty at best. Now, with DeLorme inReach and Esri GIS, we can keep track of all our resources in real-time, even when operating in remote regions without cellular coverage, enhancing safety for firefighters in a high-risk dynamic environment.”

“Linking the inReach two-way tracking, locating and messaging capability with the Esri Tracking Server, provides a powerful tool for situational awareness and worker safety,” said John Auble, DeLorme vice president, data products and HA/DR programs. “It’s a perfect solution for keeping track of lone workers or multiple teams in the field, and the built-in SOS button sends an instant distress message and tracking data to an international search and rescue coordination center, or to your corporate safety and security team.”

Potential market segments for the remote tracking and messaging service include wildfire response, search and rescue, oil and gas, railroads, wind power, public safety, emergency relief and humanitarian assistance, according to DeLorme.

In addition to the inReach remote tracking and messaging capability, DeLorme is showcasing its full range of mapping and positioning solutions in Booth 2407 at the 2012 Esri Users Conference this week.

About DeLorme
DeLorme is a longtime leader in innovative mapping and GPS products. Most recently the company has earned numerous prestigious awards for its groundbreaking integration of GPS navigation and satellite communications. The ability to develop all the critical components necessary to compete in these fast-changing technologies distinguishes DeLorme as a provider of unique solutions for both the commercial and government markets. DeLorme is based in Yarmouth, Maine, U.S.A., and is home to Eartha, the world’s largest revolving globe. To learn more, visit

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