The American Surveyor Integration with BlomURBEX is Providing Users with a Rich, Interactive and Informative View of Finland is the most popular web map service in Finland and Blom’s oblique images have been an important part of this service for a few years. In 2011, Fonecta renewed their service and during the process replaced the oblique viewing solution of the old with BlomURBEX integration. Integration was done using BlomURBEX’s API (Application Programming Interface) tools.

The oblique imagery served from BlomURBEX provides users with a rich, interactive and highly informative view of the area of interest. For example, before setting off to a destination, users can inspect’s routing services. The oblique imagery provides a broader visual understanding of the area, and helps users to easily locate themselves within their surroundings.

 “We are developing all of our services to help people and companies in everyday tasks, and customer feedback is very important for us. For some years Blom has provided us with oblique images and these have always generated a lot of interest with an established user base”, states Toni Wistbacka, the Product Manager of –service.

In addition to oblique and ortho imagery, several types of map layers, and routing service functionality, Fonecta’s improved service also provides tools for searching contact information of companies and individuals in Finland.

About Blom
The Blom Group is the largest provider of geospatial services in Europe for both government agencies and private commercial organizations and companies. Blom owns exclusive spatial databases composed of maps, images and 3D models. Focused on online services, Blom provides data and solutions to its customers in many markets and allows its partners to create high added-value applications based on Blom data models and services. This strategy is backed by Blom’s major technical capacity in aircrafts, cameras, laser scanners and mapping systems. This makes it possible for all projects to be carried out within the company, assuring a high quality product is delivered both on-time and to budget. Blom has more than 1,000 employees and offices in 13 countries and its HQ is located in Oslo, Norway. Blom is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker BLO). For more information, visit

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