The American Surveyor

Top 20 Energy Saving Tips for Everyday Living from Dawood Engineering

Harrisburg, PA; March 13, 2012: With the widespread news of gas prices reaching close to $4.00 a gallon and rising, it has never been so important to find ways to conserve energy to save money. In the engineering industry, the certification known as the Leadership in Energy or Environmental Design (LEED) consists of a suite of rating systems for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, homes and neighborhoods. This type of in-depth system may be too much for your house or building, but there are key ideas and tips that can be utilized to provide more sustainable energy.

In keeping with the theme of Dawood Engineering’s (Dawood) 20th Anniversary, we have developed a list of 20 energy saving tips for everyday living:
1. With the onslaught of shale exploration and development, natural gas could be the answer to long-term energy consumption in our nation. The abundance of demand has given people the incentive to switch their heating systems from oil to natural gas, which will be a big savings over time. Stay tuned for future developments – your car may be next in the transition!
2. Reduce idling in your car – it gives you 0 miles per gallon
3. The strategic use of trees and landscape can be a natural coolant
4. Summer is approaching – collect rain water in barrels or buckets to water your plants and flowers
5. Take advantage of any information or program your electric company offers for keeping track of your energy consumption
6. The use of outlet plug covers is not just for baby proofing – they can also help stop the warm and cold air from escaping your home
7. Install foam gaskets behind outlet covers to insulate the area
8. Check for leaks and cracks in all of your doors and windows throughout the house
9. Unplug appliances or items you are not using on a daily basis
10. Adding insulation to your attic can make your home more comfortable year-round
11. Turn faucet to face the cold water side when not in use
12. The use of traditional 100 Watt incandescent light bulbs is not available as of January 1, 2012 – stock up on the new light bulbs that are required to be 25% more energy efficient
13. Control your lighting – exterior lighting should only be placed in areas for comfort and safety and can be placed on timers
14. When choosing layouts for new construction, reduce the footprint of the building by adding landscape islands in the parking lots
15. There are materials on the market that are designed to be low pollution emitting into the indoor environment, such as carpets, paints, adhesives, and sealants
16. Roofing can be installed with a high Solar Reflective Index, which can reduce building heat-gain and save on air conditioning costs
17. Use water conserving fixtures, such as low flow toilets and faucets, and energy efficient appliances
18. During winter, keep the draperies and shades on your south-facing windows open during the day to allow the sunlight to enter your home
19. Make sure objects do not block sunlight from entering your home and keep the glass clean
20. Thinking about alternative energy sources? There may be some money to help you out! There are often tax credits or grants from federal and state departments that encourages the use of renewable energy, such as solar power, geothermal, or wind, that can aid in your project.

About Dawood
Dawood, founded in 1992, is a multi-disciplined consulting firm with a Corporate Office located in the Harrisburg region, with additional Pennsylvania regional offices near Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, the Northern Tier, and Hershey. Dawood offers services such as Shale Development/Energy Services, Surveying, Traffic Engineering, Environmental Services, Geotechnical Engineering, Land Development, Bridge Design, Highway Design, and Municipal Services. Visit us on the web at:

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