The American Surveyor

The Transportation Construction Coalition Urges FCC to Adopt Its Feb. 15 Proposals on LightSquared

Says it “should now be utterly clear” LightSquared would be incompatible with GPS and “thus significantly harmful to the safe, productive and efficient operations of construction equipment”

Washington, D.C. – The Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC), comprised of 29 national associations and labor unions, today filed comments with the FCC urging it to “adopt without delay” its February 15, 2012 proposals to withdraw LightSquared’s conditional waiver and modify its satellite license so that it is prohibited from building a ground-based wireless network.

The TCC said, “Over the past year, the construction industry has reviewed with keen interest the multiple government and industry reports on the LightSquared proposal. These studies consistently concluded that the LightSquared proposal would cause widespread interference with the Global Positioning System (GPS) signals.” The group wrote that, “It should now be utterly clear that LightSquared’s network would be incompatible with GPS and thus significantly harmful to the safe, productive and efficient operations of construction equipment.”

The 29 associations and unions that make up the TCC:
American Road & Transportation Builders Association (co-chair); Associated General Contractors of America (co-chair); American Coal Ash Association; American Concrete Pavement Association; American Concrete Pipe Association; American Council of Engineering Companies; American Society of Civil Engineers; American Subcontractors Association; American Traffic Safety Services Association; Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association; Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association; Associated Equipment Distributors; Association of Equipment Manufacturers; International Slurry Surfacing Association; International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers; International Union of Operating Engineers; Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust; Laborers’ International Union of North America; National Asphalt Pavement Association; National Association of Surety Bond Producers; National Lime Association; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association; National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association; National Utility Contractors Association; Portland Cement Association; Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute; The Road Information Program; and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

The text of the TCC’s comments:
Re: Comments on NTIA Letter Regarding LightSquared Conditional Authorization, FCC Docket 11-109, DA 12-214

The Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) urges the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to adopt without delay its February 15, 2012 proposal to withdraw the conditional waiver granted to LightSquared in January 2011 and to modify LightSquared’ s satellite license so that it is prohibited from building a ground-based wireless network.

Over the past year, the construction industry has reviewed with keen interest the multiple government and industry testing reports on the LightSquared’s proposal. These studies consistently concluded that the LightSquared proposal would cause widespread interference with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) signals.

Most recently, the agency responsible for federal spectrum use and policy, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), relied on spectrum and GPS experts within the federal government to assess how LightSquared may affect GPS interests. The NTIA found that LightSquared’s previously proposed network simply could not co-exist successfully with GPS devices. Despite numerous solution claims by LightSquared, according to the NTIA’s analysis, none of these solutions together or separately would resolve the interference problems that LightSquared’ s network would create. It should now be utterly clear that LightSquared’s network would be incompatible with GPS and thus significantly harmful to the safe, productive and efficient operation of construction equipment.

The construction industry does not object to the goals of increasing wireless data capacity and competition. However, after a year of thorough and independent testing and review, we urge the FCC to adopt without delay its February 15, 2012 proposal to withdraw the conditional waiver granted to LightSquared in January 2011 and to modify LightSquared’s satellite license so that it is prohibited from building a ground-based wireless network.


The Transportation Construction Coalition
We’re Building A Better America!

For More Information:
202/289-4434 (ARTBA)
202/547-4733 (AGC)

About The TCC
The TCC is a partnership of 29 national associations and construction unions representing hundreds of thousands of individuals with a direct market interest in federal transportation programs. TCC member organizations represent contractors, the planning and design community, materials and manufacturing industries, and their employees.

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