The American Surveyor

UAV-g 2011 – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Geomatics

September 14-16, 2011
ETH Zurich, Campus Science City (Hoenggerberg), Switzerland

The program for the 2011 UAV-g conference has been updated and is available online under From September 14-16, 2011 more than 60 international presenters will contribute to the conference during the technical sessions on Wednesday and Friday as well as the live demonstrations at the airfield Birrfeld on Thursday.

In addition to the 3-day conference, a pre-conference tutorial is offered on Tuesday, September 13, which has the goal to give a general overview on UAVs and their applications for mapping purposes. Detailed information is available under You can register at until September 7, 2011.

In case you are not yet registered for the conference but don’t want to miss it, you can still register until September 7, 2011 (

Technical Sessions / Program
• UAV Applications
• Session EuroSDR
• DEM and 3D model generation
• Innovative systems
• Sensor Integration
• Sensor Orientation
• Mapping and GIS-based systems
• UAV Platforms

Live demonstrations at airfield Birrfeld
• Swiss UAV
• Swiss College of Agriculture (SHL / BFH): "Bambi" Microcopter
• Freie Universität Berlin / Geo-Technic: SUSI 62
• Bochum University of Applied Sciences: Microcopter
• Geocopter: GC-201
• Skybotix: FlyboX
• Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW): UMARS
• omnisight / microdrones: md4-1000
• School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD / HES-SO): R-Pod
• Ascending Technologies: Falcon 8

• MFB GeoConsulting
• senseFly
• Specim Spectral Imaging
• Skybotix Technologies
• Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies

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