The American Surveyor

JAVAD GNSS TRIUMPH-VS Software Updates Version 1.5 Released

Version 1.5 of TRIUMPH-VS software has been released. New features include:
• Front and Bottom cameras view on Action screen.
• Russian, Hungarian and Czech languages support.
• More attributes stored and exported with Point object.
• Current User Position dynamic render on the map.
• 1:1 scale on the map.
• File Attachment support in Questions.

Click HERE to view some of the new features.

Also improved:
• Map screen performance.
• Compass performance.
• Stake-Out action.
• Trajectory Survey action.
• CoGo actions.
• Photo & Audio files creation and management.
• Receiver options management.
• Software Update algorithm.
• Quick access buttons: F1 – Actions; F2 – Map.
• UHF/GSM/GPRS performance.
• WiFi performance.
• LAN setup screen.

Firmware updates:
• GNSS 3.3.2
• Power Board 0.38

Update your TRIUMPH-VS receiver directly via Internet by clicking TRIUMPH-VS Home/Support/Update Software buttons. Establish Internet connection first. Delete files that you don’t need, if you see "not enough space" message.

See details at

Video trainings on our web-site are HERE

We also added:
Active Map & New Features

Other videos include
• Introduction to Triumph-VS
• RTK with base station and UHF
• Maps & Points
• In the Field With RTK
• Draw (Manage Points)· VRS ( LAN, Fi-Fi, GPRS, NTRIP )
• Six Pack RTK V6 Engine
• Selecting local coordinate system
• Creating local coordinate system
• CoGo
• Introduction to GNSS Spectrum
• TRIUMPH-VS GNSS Spectrum Analyzer
• Stakeout and Stake-Survey
• Structure Monitoring
• Base station
• Support, update software, OAF
• Inside Batteries
• JustinLink
• NetHub 
• NetView
• JustinLink to TRIUMPH-VS
• Active Map & New Features

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