The American Surveyor

Coastal Zone 2011 – 8 Workshops, 5 Trainings and 7 Field Trips – Don't Miss the Boat…

Great Lakes, Great Oceans, Great Communities

Don’t miss the CZ boat! Sign up by this Friday, JUNE 17 for great CZ11 Workshops, Trainings and Field trips

Check out our Coastal Zone 2011 website for the list of plenary, lunch, focus session speakers, and special activities in Chicago, Illinois, July 17-21, 2011, which is updated frequently at:

Act FAST – check out the field trips, trainings and workshops:

All trainings, workshops and field trips are OPEN to anyone who would like to pay to attend – without registering for CZ11.

Date: Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trainings – a bargain at only $25
1. Training Combines 2 Complementary Approaches for Reducing and Adapting to Coastal Risks
2. Effectively Communicating Climate Change: Innovative Tools..
3. Want More People and the Right People to Know About (and Find) Your Website?
4. Collaborative Leadership: Engaging the Public in Decisions that Affect Coastal Communities
5. Introducing Green Infrastructure for Coastal Resilience

Workshops – a bargain at only $25
6. An Introduction to Systems Thinking for Coastal Management Practitioners
7. NOAA Coastal Inundation Mapping
8. Helping Coastal Communities Strategize Adaptations to Climate Change
9. Making Tough Decisions Objectively (* Editors choice: this is something quite unique to see)
10. Using CanVis to Visualize the Coastal Zone
11. Decision Support Tools for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning: What is in the Toolbox?
12. Strategic Conservation Planning using the Habitat Priority Planner
13. Demonstration and Hands-On Exercises with the Estuary Data Mapper (* Editors choice: this is something quite unique to see)

Fieldtrips from $25-65
Sunday, July 17, 2011 – these are OPEN to all who register and pay to attend.

1. Biodiversity Tour of Northeast Illinois
2. Indiana Dunes State Park, Portage Lakefront/Riverwalk
3. Interpretive Canoe Tour on the Chicago River
4. Calumet Open Space Reserve (* Editors choice: this is something quite unique to see)
5. Interpretive Canoe Tour "Varying Vistas North Branch Paddle"
6. Tour of Chicago’s Shoreline Projects

Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 5-8PM; $50
7. Interpretive Boat Tour of Lake Michigan, 5-8PM

HOW TO REGISTER if you are NOT a conference participant:
REGISTRATION closes this Friday, JUNE 17, 2011:
Directions on HOW TO REGISTER for Field Trips, Training and Workshops and Social Events WITHOUT registering for the CZ11 Conference:

Go to
1. Click "Register" in the top right corner. 
2. Enter name and select "Other" from the drop down box. Click "Next".
3. Enter required contact information (this is unavoidable in the system, but is helpful if we need to contact them regarding payment). Click "Next".
4. Select "Training/Workshop/Field Trip ONLY" option (it’s the first one). Click "Next".
5. Make their selection(s). (There is a note at the very top of this page which states
"Please make your selection(s) below. You may purchase more than one of any listed below under "Optional Items". Enter the additional number in the box provided next to your selection(s).") Click "Next".
6. This should now be the page where they may add someone else and probably doesn’t apply to these registrants.  Click "Next".
7. Enter payment information and click "Finish".
For questions on registration, please contact Gale Peek <>.

On behalf of the CZ11 Executive Committee, hosts, sponsors, partners, and exhibitors, looking forward to seeing you in Chicago in July!

Please join me for the Coastal Zone Conference (CZ11) in Chicago – July 17-21, 2011

Winds of Change: Great Lakes, Great Oceans, Great Communities

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