The American Surveyor

CGSIC U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee Meeting Announcement

The CGSIC U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee (USSLS), which focuses on State and local government applications of GPS and GPS augmentations, will conduct a regional meeting April 27, 2011 at the Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa, Groton, Connecticut. Because State and local governments experience travel and fiscal restraints, we have established regional meetings to improve our understanding of GPS activities with State and local governments as well as to provide information on the issues associated with GPS and its augmentations. All CGSIC meetings are free and open to the public and you are invited to come and learn about the broad array of GPS-based applications that are available to your State and local agency partners. Participation in this meeting will be mutually beneficial for your organization and for the Federal government. For more information, please contact Mr. Rudy Persaud at (202) 493-3391 or e-mail and/or Joseph White at (410) 545-5538 or e-mail

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