The American Surveyor

Free Webinar: New Opportunities for Surveyors in GIS with SurvCE, Sept. 23

During a free webinar, scheduled to be held Thursday, September 23, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., EST-US, Gary Rosen of Carlson Software and Brent Jones of Esri will illustrate the new interoperability with Esri of the newest version of Carlson’s world renowned data collection software, SurvCE, and discuss the many ways this can increase work opportunities for surveyors.

Rosen will be going over the many new features of the SurvCE upgrade to 2.5.2, which will include the ability to read the GIS feature/attribute structure from a client’s Esri GIS, collect additional survey-grade data to that schema, and write it back as ArcGIS compatible data in a single seamless workflow.

Jones, PE, PLS, the Survey, Cadastre, and Engineering Industry Manager for Esri, where he oversees worldwide strategic industry planning, business development, and marketing activities, will be detailing some of opportunities that will be opening up for surveyors as a result of this new interoperability.

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