The American Surveyor

INTERGEO 2010: New visitor groups from the Middle East and Russia

Istanbul builds bridges – INTERGEO East reaches new visitor groups from the Middle East and Russia

Istanbul/Karlsruhe, 26 May 2010. INTERGEO East came to an end in Istanbul last Friday, 21 May, after three successful days. It was the first time that this two-day trade fair and three-day conference for land management, geoinformation, the building industry and the environment had been held in the Turkish metropolis. As anticipated, this unique geographical location enabled the building of new bridges – Istanbul is, after all, the only city in the world that spans two continents. "INTERGEO East was able to extend its catchment area to now include visitors from the Middle East and Russia, adding to those from South-East Europe," said Olaf Freier, CEO of HINTE GmbH, who was responsible for organising the event.

Nevertheless, the sixth INTERGEO East had not met all expectations, added Freier. Visitor numbers failed to reach their targets. Exhibitors ascribed this to the public holiday on the Wednesday before the start of the event. However, the new venue and all the potential it offers were rated positively by the companies and institutions of 23 countries and the prospects are considered bright for INTERGEO East 2012. The next few years are set to see increased market demand thanks to numerous infrastructure-related measures and developments.

INTERGEO East will once again be held in Istanbul in spring 2012, announced Freier. As well as Istanbul Technical University, the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the Turkish association, this will also bring together the state surveying and land registration agencies and INTERGEO East chamber of commerce partners.

INTERGEO East 2010 took place in Istanbul from 19 to 21 May. Further information and image material can be found at

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