The American Surveyor

Applanix Presentations at ASPRS

Have a question about Direct Georeferencing or Mobile Mapping? Want to know about the latest in GNSS and Inertial technology? Attend this year’s ASPRS sessions and learn from industry experts!

Papers and Presentations:
1. “Precision GNSS Positioning without Dedicated Basestations for Airborne Mapping” by Mohamed Mostafa, Joe Hutton, Thursday April 29th, 1:30 PM
2. “Theoretical Ground Accuracy Analysis Derived from Today’s Airborne Digital Frame Cameras and Direct Georeferencing” by Mohamed Mostafa, Joe Hutton, Thursday April 29th, 3:30 PM

Special Panel Participation:
1. Special Panel Session – Panoramic, Oblique, and Medium Format Sensors: Status of Technology and Applications
With participation by Adam Evans, Product Manager, Trimble DSS, Wednesday, April 28th, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
2. Special Panel Session – Mobile Mapping – Overview of the Applanix POS LV for Mobile Mapping Systems
with participation by Kevin Andrews, Product Manager Land Systems, Thursday April 29th, 9:15 AM
3. Special Panel Session – Airborne Digital Mapping Camera Systems: Manufacturer’s Perspective with participation by Adam Evans, Product Manager, Trimble DSS, Thursday, April 29th, 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM

Click here to see the preliminary ASPRS Program

POSTRack 3.0 Software Demo
Applanix (booth 415) is offering live demonstrations of the new POSTrack 3.0 SW at ASPRS. Learn how the latest in flight management and direct georeferencing technology for aerial mapping can make you more productive! Space is limited so sign up today: CLICK HERE

WORKSHOP: Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Georeferencing: State of the Art and New Trends (full day)
Joe Hutton, Director of Airborne Business, Applanix
Dr. Mohamed Mostafa, Chief Technical Authority – Geomatics, Applanix

This workshop will focus on the underlying concepts of georeferencing using different methods and sensors for different applications. Practical examples from real world projects are used extensively to illustrate the pros and cons of each method or sensor assembly. This workshop is intended for the ASPRS mapping professionals from either technical or business background. The topics will be covered in this workshop:

1. Photogrammetry: The Concepts
a. Basic Geometry
b. Space Resection/intersection
c. Collinearity & Co-planarity
d. Relative & Absolute Orientation
e. Aerotriangulation

2. GNSS and Inertial Sensors
a. GNSS basics
b. Land Applications
c. GNSS-Inertial Integration
d. Data Integration
e. Best practice for GNSS-Inertial Data

3. Direct Georeferencing
a. Basic Concepts
b. Applications to Mobile Sensors
c. Quality Control
d. Best Practice

4. Applications in Mobile Mapping
a. Special Airborne Applications
b. Inertial Basics
c. Marine Applications
d. Accuracy Aspects

5. Future Trends
a. GNSS processing
b. Inertial Sensors
d. Integrated Sensor Orientation- Redux

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