The American Surveyor

C-Nav World DGPS Introduces its Latest QC Package

A new release of C-Nav’s C-MONITOR includes a full Quality Control (QC) display feature. The QC solution, specifically tailored to meet the exacting demands of C-Nav’s real-time Precise Point Positioning service, uses a statistically sound RAIM algorithm to detect, identify and eliminate data outliers, then reports the rejection process via NMEA and binary messages.

The RAIM algorithm incorporates the latest analytical techniques and is the most comprehensive developed to date. After eliminating outliers, the process performs statistical analysis on the remaining observations using techniques that comply with IMO/NMEA requirements and exceed UKOOA recommendations.

C-MONITOR is fully user-configurable and includes a table of GPS satellite statistics with real-time displays from single or multiple GPS receivers and time series plots of the following: – Differential age- HDOP, PDOP, VDOP and – A number of satellites in the solution.

A sky plot of all visible GPS/GLONASS satellites (with status) is provided with variable scale scatter plots for monitoring satellite position stability. The additional QC parameters include the following: – Unit Variance, – F-test of Unit Variance, – 67 percent Error Ellipse (NMEA) and – 95 percent Error Ellipse (UKOOA).

The reliability statistics include the following: – Outlier rejection, – Type II error probability, – W-statistic (for each satellite in solution) and – Marginally Detectable Error (range and position).

“We are proud to introduce this new edition of C-Monitor,” said C-Nav’s Tim Patro. “This is the culmination of an intense development program by C-Nav and its partners and is, we believe, the first QC package specifically designed for real-time Precise Point Positioning.”

For more information about C-Nav® quality positioning products and solutions please go to, call C-Nav® Sales at +1.337.210.0000 or send an e-mail to

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