The American Surveyor

Surveyor Reunion in South Florida

It was 1946 when Harry C. Schwebke started his land surveying company in Miami. Later, he sold the firm to his son, Robert C. Schwebke who changed the company name to Shwebke-Shiskin. In 1967, Schwebke sold the company to the Shiskin brothers and two junior partners. During those years, many young men, early in their careers, joined the firm. The owners and employees worked together, ate together, attended each other’s weddings and parties, and in general, made friends for life.

As time passed, some struck out on their own, starting their own companies. A few moved to other companies, and some went back to school to learn more. But, they all remained friends and stayed in touch.

In 2008, the idea of a reunion was born. While they had remained friends, most of these career surveyors had not seen each other in years. A reunion date was set for 2009.

In late February, twenty-three retired and a few active surveyor friends met at the Tropical Acres Restaurant in Broward County. Fittingly, the restaurant is the oldest restaurant in Broward County, and ironically, George Bolton, who is associated with the firm where Harry C. Schwebke got his start, planned the reunion. Jody Bolton-Wiltsie, George’s oldest daughter, coordinated the reunion.

When the reunion happened, it was some good old friends having a good old time discussing the good old days. The event was hailed a success and the group decided to make it an annual event. The event added to the belief that “Old surveyors never die; they just lose their triangulation.”

Photo includes registration numbers:

First row seated left to right: Al Toussaint #907, Robert Schwebke #1067, Dick Shiskin #975, Jack Smith #1761, Frank Molina, Zip Harman #3947

Second row standing l to r: Ray Mallard, Ron Fritz #2767, Jim Shiskin #1115, Al Tello #2978, Lou Campinelli #1224, Blair Conner #2590, Mike Alexander, Wally Chomiac #4527.

Third row standing l to r: J.W. Brown #2228, George Bolton #1643, Bob Jackson #2408, Bob McFerrin #3155, Stan Olesiewicz #1633, Wayne Barber, Bob Vaught #2208, Ray Milkie #6293, Mike Alley #5985

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