The American Surveyor

Pixxures Inc. Earns High Marks as U.S. Census Bureau Project Comes to an End

Arvada, Colorado, March 17, 2008– Pixxures, Inc., a division of XeDAR Corporation, a leading provider of geospatial services including data acquisition, processing, image analysis, data storage and Web services, has received their fourth consecutive Certificate of Recognition from Harris Corporation for their work on the U.S. Census Bureau’s Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Accuracy Improvement Project (MTAIP). 

This latest Certificate of Recognition marks Pixxures’ fourth outstanding year of performance on the multi-year, multi-million dollar contract that is scheduled to end in April of this year. The Certificate states, “Pixxures attention to excellent quality and schedule management contributed to the overall achievement of MTAIP project objectives.”  During this final year, Pixxures has achieved and maintained an all “blue” quality rating with Harris Corporation, their highest rating on subcontractor activities and performance criteria. “Sometimes in business you have one of those special projects where the companies work very closely to make it all a huge success, and you have an incredible staff that care about the quality and the deadlines; this was one of those special projects,” said Chuck Killpack, CEO of XeDAR’s Geospatial Division, Inc.

Pixxures’ early involvement with the MTAIP project began in late 2000 when Pixxures was subcontracted to create 1-meter orthophotography for a pilot project for the U.S. Census Bureau.  Pixxures’ involvement with the project has evolved over the past seven years from orthophotography data collection to vector data accuracy improvement on the current MTAIP project.  Pixxures is one of only two remote processing centers subcontracted to Harris Corporation to perform the actual alignment of the TIGER data to a designated, more-accurate vector source layer, which will improve the spatial accuracy of TIGER data for all 3,200 U.S. counties and territories by the 2010 census.  Increasing the accuracy of TIGER vector data will enable the Census enumerators to more efficiently navigate to homes and complete the census tasks in a timely fashion. 

Pixxures has been working on the alignment of the TIGER data for the last five years. A team of twelve analysts performed the work in-house, including the initial alignment, Quality Control, rework, IT support, and Project Management.  The team will have completed the spatial improvement of approximately 954 counties by project end. This will mark the final milestone in the successful completion of this major government project.

About Pixxures
Pixxures, Inc., a division of XeDAR Corporation, is a services company located in the Denver area.  Pixxures is focused on developing new and advanced technologies that result in high-quality cost-effective mapping and photogrammetry solutions for its customers.  The company serves a broad base of clients including oil and gas, utilities, civil and environmental engineering, telecommunications, real estate, forestry, and federal, state and local governments.  For more information, please go online to or call Normena Walton at 303-302-8591.

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