The American Surveyor

Georgia Survey and Map Museum

The Warren County Board of Commissioners, Chamber of Commerce and City of Warrenton, with blessings from State of Georgia, have just begun the procedure to create a tax exempt institution, Georgia Survey and Map Museum. It will be some time before a Board of Trustees is in place; in the meanwhile, Katie Turnbull (grand daughter), Billy Lott and Scott Brown are proceeding in an old store on Main Street in Warrenton, GA.

WANTED: Newly created Georgia Survey and Map Museum needs old survey instruments, books, manuals, maps, journals, photos, supplies, and anything pertaining to early surveying anywhere. If you donate or loan an item, proper recognition shall be given with your name and photograph with the exhibit; please “tell us a story with the item”. We are willing to pay reasonable price plus shipping for any worthwhile item.

You may mail to: Dan N. Crumpton, P. O. Box # 47, Warrenton, GA 30828, or ship to 32 Memorial Drive, Warrenton, GA 30828. You are invited to visit us at our temporary location, 480 Main Street, Warrenton, GA 30828. We invite your constructive criticism. Our fax # is 706 465 9401 and my email is

Our County needs a “pony” for creating this institution, by-laws, etc. Also, we need copy of Agreement to exhibit an item. We have equipment placed in trust with us on “loan”, and we need an agreement in place whereby the Museum and donor can sign. We are getting a good response from surveyors in Georgia.

Georgia and surveyors and cartographers thank you.

Dan Crumpton

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