The American Surveyor

Optech Announces a Major Advance in Airborne Lidar Survey Planning

Toronto, Canada – Optech Incorporated, a provider of advanced lidar survey instruments, announced today a major upgrade to ALTM-NAV integrated mission planning, navigation, and operations software through the incorporation of underlying digital elevation models (DEM).

With this upgrade, ALTM-NAV users will be able to plan airborne missions more effectively and efficiently using ancillary DEM information from a variety of sources. Since mission success is often gauged by the ability to collect complete data in the most efficient manner possible, an underlying DEM will enable planners to be aware of topographical changes that may affect swath widths and resultant planned flightline overlaps.

Similarly, realtime projection of the lidar data onto the underlying DEM will enable system operators to verify coverage in the air more effectively before leaving the survey site to return to base.

“We are excited to offer new ways of allowing our customers to maximize their efficiencies,” said Michael Sitar, Optech Product Manager for Airborne Survey Products. “Minimizing air time and ensuring data coverage are big parts of that. And DEM support paves the way,”

About Optech:
Optech is the world leader in the development, manufacture and support of advanced laser-based survey instruments. The company offers client-driven lidar solutions in airborne terrestrial mapping, airborne laser bathymetry, laser imaging, mine cavity monitoring, industrial process control and space-qualified sensors for orbital operations and planetary exploration.

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