The American Surveyor

GITA Announces Ten Awards

Emergency Management Alberta Receives GITA’s Innovator Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Emergency Management Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Innovator Award. The award recognizes the unique and significant contributions of organizations that have used geospatial technology in the innovative development of a technology, service, or application. The award was presented during GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

In 2004, Emergency Management Alberta initiated a project, with financial support from the Alberta Innovation Program, to establish a secure, Web-based, integrated incident logging and mapping tool, used to share information between agencies and jurisdiction in both private and public sectors. The project will enable decision-makers at all levels to become situationally aware of an incident and make better decisions. Once complete, Alberta will be uniquely equipped with an application system that will significantly enhance emergency management across the province in a coordinated, effective, and efficient manner to minimize risk to Alberta citizens, businesses, environment, and infrastructure.

“The government of Alberta and Emergency Management Alberta are honored to receive this award, and would like to thank GITA for recognizing the work we have done and our vision to expand and utilize geospatial technology,” said Colin Blair, manager, Operations & Training, Emergency Management Alberta.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

Michael Goodchild Named Recipient of GITA’s Lifetime Achievement Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Michael F. Goodchild of Santa Barbara, Calif., has been given GITA’s 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes an individual’s outstanding contributions and long-standing commitment to the geospatial industry. The presentation was made during GITA’s Annual Conference 30, held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Goodchild is professor of geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara; chair of the Executive Committee, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA); associate director of the Alexandria Digital Library Project; and director of NCGIA’s Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science.

He received his bachelor’s degree from Cambridge University in physics in 1965 and his Ph.D. in geography from McMaster University in 1969. After 19 years at the University of Western Ontario, he moved to Santa Barbara in 1988. He was director of NCGIA from 1991 to 1997. Goodchild was elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and Foreign Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2002, and member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2006.

Goodchild first encountered geographic information systems and computer mapping in the late 1960s, when it was a struggling high-end computing application, and said he’s particularly gratified by the response the technology has received in universities. Goodchild said he’s happy that the general public has reached the point where virtually anyone with a Web browser can make use of geospatial tools; but, at the same time he said that geospatial professionals have only begun to recognize how far they still have to go in giving everyone access to the basic spatial literacy that’s needed to use the tools effectively.

“I’m immensely honored by this award, especially as it comes from an organization that emphasizes the importance of education in the broad and expanding geospatial community. This is a very exciting time to be working in this area, particularly for the younger generation,” Goodchild said.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

Baltimore Gas & Electric Receives GITA’s Excellence Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE), Baltimore, Md., was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Excellence Award for the gas sector. The award recognizes the dedication, insight, and high degree of initiative in the outstanding application of geospatial technology. The award was presented during the Opening Session of GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

BGE’s geographic information system (GIS) project began in 1999, converted more than 15 million features from paper maps and assorted databases, and introduced 34 applications, including GIS facilities design, systemwide pipe risk analysis, and real-time interfaces to CIS. The goal, successfully achieved, was to create a facility information resource to safely and economically manage the gas and electric distribution systems.

“Winning the Excellence Award is a great honor for BGE. Our vision of seven years ago regarding the uses and benefits that a GIS would bring are validated by this prestigious award and BGE is excited to be recognized by GITA for our efforts,” Harold Hagen, supervisor, Atlas (GIS) IT Support Unit, BGE.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

City of Aurora Receives GITA’s Innovator Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007 —The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that the City of Aurora, Colorado, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Innovator Award. The award recognizes the unique and significant contributions of organizations that have used geospatial technology in the innovative development of a technology, service, or application. The award was presented during GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Development on Aurora Connect started in January 2005. The project’s objective was to provide all relevant geographic information based upon an entered address to Aurora’s citizens and businesses via one Web site— The project started by providing information about council, city events, neighborhoods, and property information for an entered address, and has grown to include business tax and license data, building permits, public records, school districts, links to county assessors, and a rich interactive GIS mapping experience. The Aurora Connect Web site continues to grow in the breadth of information provided and number of visitors.

“The City of Aurora is proud to have been recognized for our Aurora Connect application with an Innovator Award by GITA—the preeminent GIS industry association,” said Bill Keever, GIS coordinator, the City of Aurora.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

EPCOR Water Services Receives GITA’s Excellence Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that EPCOR Water Services, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Excellence Award for the water sector. The award recognizes the dedication, insight, a
nd high degree of initiative in the outstanding application of geospatial technology. The award was presented during the Opening Session of GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

In 2003, EPCOR Utilities Inc. started a second generation geographic information system (GIS) project based on Oracle Spatial technology with a proof of concept project. In the summer of 2004, the WALRUS and PUMA projects were started, and the deployment was concluded in November 2005. The entire final migration took only 16 days to complete—during which time, existing data was still available.

Benefits realized from the project:

• Increased productivity by GIS recorders
• Increased usability of GIS data
• Reduced support requirements
• Increased flexibility to meet business needs of two unique business units
• A data-centric, application neutral system that can interface with other systems

“By providing a single facility master information database, WALRUS gives us reliable and consistent information in all interfaced systems. The WALRUS project has enabled us to start to move towards work management with real-time connectivity to the master facility in the field,” said Terry Wilson, director, Distribution Operations & Planning, EPCOR.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

Horry County Receives GITA’s Excellence Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Horry County, South Carolina, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Excellence Award for the local government/public sector. The award recognizes the dedication, insight, and high degree of initiative in the outstanding application of geospatial technology. The award was presented during the Opening Session of GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Horry County’s Government GIS-centric project has been a key to the success of all new applications deployed by Horry County. In 2003, the county began the migration path for deploying new GIS-centric software solutions. All of the solutions obtain spatial components from the county’s GIS. Another core goal for this project was a single source for all users (county and city) to access GIS data.

“Unique in that all applications are required to be integrated with a real-time read of the GIS data elements, the county’s 86-mile fiber network provides a single source for GIS data to all county and city offices. The decision-makers at Horry County have realized the value of GIS and have shown their commitment and support throughout the entire project. The IT/GIS team has gone above and beyond in making the vision a reality, ” said Tim Oliver, assistant director, IT/GIS, Horry County.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

Telefonica S.A. Receives GITA’s Excellence Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007 —The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Telefonica S.A., Sao Paulo, Brazil, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Excellence Award for the telecommunications sector. The award recognizes the dedication, insight, and high degree of initiative in the outstanding application of geospatial technology. The award was presented during the Opening Session of GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Always in search of innovative solutions, Telefonica—once more—conquered excellence in its technical and commercial procedures. The expertise of its engineering team made it possible to aggregate additional functionalities to the outside plant records in the state of São Paulo (GIS – SAGRE system), achieving autonomy, agility, and assertiveness, in its operation.

The project, called Constellation SAGRE, allows—in addition to the functions of record-keeping associated with the network automatic assignments—the identification of materials to be used in the maintenance services, control of all network infrastructure that serves a given customer premise, and the integration of the commercial and engineering areas; thus, indicating the data telecommunications services that can be offered at which speeds.

“GITA’s Award is a recognition of Telefonica´s constant search for innovation and improvements. This can only be achieved with the support and experience of highly qualified professionals. The joy in receiving this award must be shared with all of our colleagues at Telefonica—integrators and others that were directly or indirectly responsible for the SAGRE Constellation success,” said Paulo S. Furukawa, director, Access Network, Telefonica S.A.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

City of Toronto Receives GITA’s Innovator Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that the City of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Innovator Award. The award recognizes the unique and significant contributions of organizations that have used geospatial technology in the innovative development of a technology, service, or application. The award was presented during GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Enterprise Stereoscopic Model (ESM) Web was developed to provide average and technical users of mapping information with highly accurate aerial photography (current and historical) and the ability to collect site/object specific information in 3-D.

ESM Web has up to 15-cm accuracy, and enables the viewing and measurement of objects in 3-D while viewing the images with a pair of 3-D glasses or stereoscope. Historical land information is more accurate and reliable as users can take their own 3-D measurements from the fully geo-referenced images dating back to 1931. They can also search and overlay maps from today’s buildings, roads, and properties over the historical images to visualize trends and land use changes between years.

“The GITA Innovator Award is a testament to ESM Web’s successes, and recognizes the intellectual curiosity and critical thinking required by Survey and Mapping Services staff to provide world-class products and services to our business units,” said Bob Gaspirc, manager, Mapping Services, City of Toronto.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

GITA Names Thomas Tym Recipient of Distinguished Service Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Thomas Tym of Waukesha, Wis., has been named the recipient of GITA’s 2007 Distinguished Service Award. The award is bestowed on individuals whose extraordinary personal contributions have added to the success of GITA. The presentation was made at GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

As secretary for the Wisconsin Chapter of GITA, Tym said he has truly enjoyed his duties and involvement over the last eight years. From taking meeting minutes and interacting with the membe
rship to coordinating the seminars the chapter has presented. As Ruekert & Mielke’s Technology Services Department head, he said the experience and knowledge he has gained, and the contacts he has made—working with municipal and utility enterprises—has made him keenly aware of the educational needs of geospatial users and has influenced the evaluation and selection of the Wisconsin Chapter’s seminar topics. He said the success of the Wisconsin Chapter can be attributed to the makeup of the Executive Board, and the “team” approach they employ in every effort. Tym said his involvement with GITA has been more fulfilling and appreciated than any other organization that he is involved with.

“I am truly grateful and honored for being nominated and selected for GITA’s Distinguished Service Award. The time and energy I commit to GITA—that is the basis for this award—comes from the enjoyment I get working with members of the Wisconsin Chapter Executive Board that share a similar dedication to bringing quality educational materials to professionals in the geospatial industry,” said Tym. 

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

Truckee Donner Receives GITA’s Excellence Award
San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2007—The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) announced today that Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD), Truckee, Calif., was named the recipient of the 2007 GITA Excellence Award for the electric sector. The award recognizes the dedication, insight, and high degree of initiative in the outstanding application of geospatial technology. The award was presented during the Opening Session of GITA’s Annual Conference 30, being held March 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Since the TDPUD’s geographic information system inception in 2000, the system has been built to include:

1. A GIS electric design system fully integrated with its ABS.
2. A GIS OMS fully integrated with its CIS and outsource call center.
3. Integration to electrical modeling software.
4. Integration to AMR software.
5. A National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Award-winning field software that integrates bi-directionally via wireless technology.

TDPUD’s most unique trait is its GIS-centric OMS application, fully integrated in real-time with an outsourced call center. The district has the ability to take calls internally and have overflow calls go to Minnesota; amalgamating all calls within its OMS real time.

“Our success in implementing a fully integrated, GIS-centric enterprise system is a testament to both the technical drive of small utilities like ourselves, and the software vendor’s delivery of open, configurable products. The Excellence in GIS award proves small utilities can succeed in the implementation of GIS,” Ian Fitzgerald, GIS coordinator, TDPUD.

For more information about GITA’s Awards Program, visit, call 303-337-0513

About GITA
The mission of the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) is to provide excellence in education, information exchange, and applied research on the use and benefits of geospatial information and technology in business, utility, and government applications worldwide. Visit GITA on the Web at

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