The American Surveyor

FloodInsights Adds Alquist-Priolo (AP) Fault Zones

Boston, MA, November 2005 – CDS Business Mapping, LLC a leader in online hazard mapping, today announced that it has added a crucial piece of information to its California flood reports on FloodInsights (  Users will now be able to add Alquist-Priolo (AP) Fault Zone results to their California flood reports.

“In the state of California, appraisers are required to indicate in their appraisal reports whether a house falls ‘In’ or ‘Out’ of an AP Fault Zone,” explains Dan Munson, VP of Sales & Marketing, CDS Business Mapping.  “Finding a map, then trying to make a correct determination, can be a very time consuming task.  With FloodInsights users can enter an address, and in a matter of seconds get a detailed flood report (aerial photo optional) that includes AP Fault Zone results.”

Although FloodInsights is an Internet application used to automate flood zone determinations, it will continue to add new reports in order to provide its users with one stop shopping.  For more information about this press release, please contact Daniel Munson at 617.737.4444 or

FloodInsights is used by appraisers and real estate professionals who are looking to increase accuracy, productivity and overall speed of operations.  FloodInsights is an Internet application used to automate flood zone determinations.  By simply typing in an address, users will get back: SFHA (Flood Zone), Zone, Community Name & Number, Panel Number & Date, FIPS Code, Census Tract, GIS Flood Map and Aerial Photo (optional).

About CDS Business Mapping
CDS Business Mapping, LLC., was founded in 1994 as a desktop mapping sales and consulting company. The company offers a full line of mapping software, data and applications for appraisers, insurers and real estate professionals.  The company specializes in natural hazard risk assessment tools and data.  The company is dedicated to the creation and implementation of mapping solutions for the appraisal, insurance and real estate industries.

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