The American Surveyor

Mapping Prince George's County With PGAtlas

Maryland – National Capital Park & Planning Commission awards their second contract to Performance Group, Incorporated to continue programming, hosting, and maintenance of

PGI developed and has been hosting the Internet mapping site for nearly two years ago. It has been available to the public for over a year and a half. The web site features a basic site for beginners and an advanced site for experienced users. With this new contract, PGI will continue to host the site as well as add new functionality.

Prince George’s County GIS web site. This web site contains numerous geographic layers of information as well as aerial imagery of Prince George’s County. Users will be able to pan and zoom around the map, display and print attribute information, search and display data by map location, measure distances, query the database, and print 8-1/2" X 11" maps. The web site features a basic site for beginners and an advanced site for experienced users.

For more information, please contact Stacey Guthiel at PGI at or to view the Internet mapping sites visit

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