The American Surveyor

Landsat 7 acquires 405,000 images in first 5 years

In spite of some recent technological difficulties, Landsat 7 continues to provide global observations of the landmass of the planet. In it’s first five years, Landsat 7 acquired 405,000 images for the U.S. archive and the U.S. has been ‘imaged’ 106 times; the daylight landmass of the globe has been covered 20 times; more than 505,400 images have been acquired for international cooperators and the Landsat 7 has produced 339 Terabytes of land imaging data.

The Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) is a multispectral scanning radiometer that is carried on board the Landsat 7 satellite. The sensor has provided nearly continuous acquisitions since July 1999, with a 16-day repeat cycle. An instrument malfunction occurred on May 31, 2003, with the result that all Landsat 7 scenes acquired since July 14, 2003 have been collected in "SLC-off" mode (Details).

The ETM+ instrument provides image data from eight spectral bands (band designations). The spatial resolution is 30 meters for the visible and near-infrared (bands 1-5 and 7). Resolution for the panchromatic (band 8) is 15 meters, and the thermal infrared (band 6) is 60 meters. The approximate scene size is 170 x 183 kilometers (106 x 115 miles).

To browse images of all available Landsat 7 scenes, we suggest you view by searching on either Earth Explorer or the EOS Data Gateway. For an alternative "quick and easy" browse image viewer, see GloVis.

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