ERDAS Releases ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS 10

Norcross, GA — ERDAS announces a new release of ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS, a production suite of tools that enhance the ArcGIS® 10 platform  with ERDAS’  image processing and stereo feature collection capabilities.

ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS 10 consists of Image Analysis for ArcGIS, Stereo Analyst for ArcGIS, and two optional modules that extend Stereo Analyst functionality, ERDAS Terrain Editor for ArcGIS and FeatureAssist for ArcGIS.

Image Analysis is a solution for preparing, referencing, measuring and analyzing imagery from airborne and satellite sensors. Fully integrated with ArcGIS, it enables you to extract up-to-date information from imagery directly into a geodatabase, dramatically increasing accuracy and productivity.

Stereo Analyst® enhances the ArcGIS 10 workspace with stereo support, enabling users to view and edit in 3D, utilizing standard editing tools to maximize productivity.  Terrain Editor handles stereo edits to Geodatabase terrain files.  It provides a complete set of point, breakline and area tools – including a tool for autocorrelating new points to participate in the terrain. FeatureAssist enables the collection of roof structures as ESRI Multipatch shapefiles, allowing 3D models to be constructed for realistic scene generation.

“ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS is a great solution that provides the most accurate image processing and stereo feature collection possible, enabling organizations to leverage ERDAS’ powerful technology with very little overhead,” said Bruce Chaplin, Senior Vice President, Product Development, ERDAS.

For more information about ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS, please visit the product website or see the webinar Fast, Easy, Accurate Stereo-Based Feature Collection with Stereo Analyst for ArcGIS.

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