Buy production data, grid, and culture for one low price online

Petro Data Source, Inc. now sells grid and culture for download from their website.

PDS has also developed a new easy to use mapping interface for viewing and purchasing the grid, culture, and well header data.  Finally production and map data are integrated in one place.  With no minimum order, flexible pricing, and an easy to use query interface; buying data has never been easier or more affordable.

A user can do extensive research and preview grid, culture, or overlay well spots before any purchases are made.  The map includes the wells, grid, culture, with mapping tools to zoom and add labels.  The prices for each product are clearly listed under the map and can be bundled or purchased separately.  Prices for the 100k grid are $.25/sq. mile(max $500/state), culture is $.10/sq. mile, and production data is $.35/well.  For the advanced user, shape files can be purchased for all data including an entire “Header” file for well data. 

 The 100k grid is derived from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) PLSS data. The culture contains detailed street, county, city, railroad, lakes, and hydrology layers. All culture data is fully attributed with appropriate proper names for each feature. The approximate accuracy of both sets of data is +/- 170 feet and is derived from 1:100,000 scale maps.  In addition, 24k grid pricing is available by request.  All data has been processed, sorted, and consolidated by Petroleum GeoGraphics Corporation of Colorado. 

 Petro Data Source, Inc. is located in Denver, Colorado and has been selling affordable and quality US production data since 1994.

Cory Rovnak
Petro Data Source, Inc