Topcon GR-3, Net-G3 Receivers Track Galileo Test Signals

Use of G3 technology a first in commercial models

Moscow, Russia, Livermore, CA — Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) has successfully tracked GIOVE-A signals from the first Galileo test satellite with its production receivers GR-3 and Net-G3. Topcon becomes the first manufacturer successfully tracking GNSS signals from all currently available satellites – GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo – with production instruments.

Eduardo Falcon, senior vice president for development operations, said that engineers and scientists from the Topcon Technology Center in Moscow, Russia, successfully tracked signals from the GIOVE-A satellite using production receivers GR-3 and Net-G3 equipped with Topcon’s patented G3 technology. “This historical milestone makes Topcon’s commitment to tracking signals from all available GNSS a reality.”
Being able to track a “third satellite constellation – Galileo – in its testing phase spotlights the importance of G3 technology,” said Ray O’Connor, TPS president and CEO. “Having this satellite receiver technology available right now for customers says volumes about our company, its research and development capabilities, and its world class scientists, engineers and designers.”

O’Connor said, “Since 2005 we’ve emphatically stated that G3 technology would track all available signals and be able to receive all planned signals in the foreseeable future. We’re proud to be the first commercial supplier of this unique technology.”

In 2005, Topcon Positioning Systems (TPS) unveiled its pioneering G3 technology, the first satellite receiver technology with Universal Signal Tracking. The unique tracking system was designed to track all signals from all three satellite positioning systems.

With the introduction of the GR-3 receiver in July 2006, the company enhanced its GPS+ technology and added to its long list of “world’s first” products and technological breakthroughs brought to market. The GR-3 also sets a new standard for rugged construction and unparalleled durability: it is designed to withstand a fall on a range pole (two-meters), comes with a “bulletproof” warranty to back it up and integrates a long list of features designed specifically to satisfy Topcon’s markets.
Jamie Williamson, senior vice president for sales and marketing, said, “It is an integral part of the Topcon company culture to listen to our customers. Building a product like GR-3 with a rugged magnesium I-beam chassis and housing that can withstand a two-meter drop onto concrete is just an example of how Topcon truly listens to its customers and gives them what they want.”

He said, “Customers who invest in the GR-3 for their businesses will receive a system that is unmatched from a performance standpoint, as well as being built to last a lifetime.”

About Topcon
Topcon Positioning Systems, a developer and manufacturer of positioning equipment, offers the world’s leading selection of innovating precision GPS, GIS, laser, optical surveying, and machine control, products, software, and applications. Topcon Corporation is traded on Tokyo Stock Exchange (7732).