Test the Alpha version of the EPP2022 model today
Some of the primary definitional elements of the upcoming modernized National Spatial Reference System are the transformation parameters between ITRF2020 and the four frames NATRF2022, PATRF2022, CATRF2022 and MATRF2022. These transformation parameters are collectively known as Euler Pole Parameters (EPPs), and will be released as a model called EPP2022 once they are tested and approved.
The EPPs are estimated preliminary values and available on the NGS Alpha website. The Alpha website is dedicated for early-release products of the modernized National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). Once all of the components of the modernized NSRS are considered final and ready for public testing and feedback, they, including the EPP2022, will be released to the NGS Beta website. The availability of all components of the modernized NSRS on the NGS Beta website is expected mid to late 2025.