Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) Public Webinar on April 28

Meeting Summary:
NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel, a federal advisory committee that advises the NOAA administrator on navigation services, water levels and currents, and global positioning, will hold a public meeting via webinar on April 28 at 1:00pm, EDT.

Public comments are encouraged, and may be offered either before or during the meeting. Please use this link to register for the webinar. The meeting agenda is available at this link.

This online form is available to submit comments, which will become part of the meeting record.

The HSRP is a federal advisory committee that provides NOAA with independent advice on improving the quality, efficiency, and usefulness of NOAA’s navigation-related products, data, and services. There are two public meetings each year in different port regions at which the panel seeks public comments from stakeholders and partners.