Table of Contents – The American Surveyor – Vol.14, No3 2017

Thought Leader: Death of the PLSS
Jason provides his thoughts about the recent proposal by the BLM to convert the remaining unsurveyed Alaska lands to a GIS.
By Jason E. Foose, PS
On the Level with NSPS: What Your National Society Does for You…
Winding up his term as President, Tony reminds us of what our national organization does on behalf of surveyors.
By J. Anthony Cavell, PS
An Oasis in Antarctica
Our ALTA expert examines the HeroX competition to eliminate the need for surveyors.
By Erik Dahlberg
Surveying & Mapping Industry Economics – Part 2
Continuing with our series on the business of surveying, this installment examines payroll and revenue.
By Lee Lovell, PS
Home Ice Advantage
Technology boosts layout for the latest NHL expansion team stadium in Las Vegas.
By Larry Trojak
Product Review: The Innovative Javad J-Tip Metal Detector
Part of an entire RTK system, our reviewer decides that Javad’s latest invention is a better “mouse trap.”
By Patrick C. Garner, Ps
Test Yourself 39: My Calculator Died
Exercising geometry and trigonometry skills.
By Dave Lindell, PS
Vantage Point: The Subtle Approach to Attract New Surveyors
As we are warned of a coming shortage of surveyors, Wendy discusses ways in which to attract the next generation.
By Wendy Lathrop, PS, CFM