Carlson Software Introduces Precision 3D Topo 2017

Maysville, Kentucky, U.S.A. (Feb. 7, 2017)— Designed for use by surveyors, civil engineers, and contractors, Carlson Software’s Precision 3D Topo 2017 allows users to import survey data, points, polylines, surfaces, point clouds, both traditional LIDAR and aerial drone survey data, and more from a wide variety of programs and entities to create useable 3D surfaces.

“P3D Topo enables much faster design and analysis in the 3D environment than the many step processes of the CAD world,” says Carlson’s Nathan Crews, lead developer of Precision 3D. “Its 3D design tools save lots of time and reduce the chance of errors, making it an obvious tool to improve the business bottom line.”

Both easy-to-learn and -use, Carlson P3D Topo also provides fast point cloud editing of .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz, .pts, .e57, and .pcd files, which allows users to reduce the size of the point cloud and still have an accurate surface, view large areas for environmental or overview needs, merge overlapping point clouds and crop to just the area desired, and import other spacial data such as DEM, GeoTiff, Jpeg2000, georeferenced jpg and shape files.

Then, 3D surfaces can be created and merged from these imported files and P3D Topo allows for real-time surface editing with dynamic contours, faces, and slope arrows with easy-to-execute drag and drop design. Unlimited undo and redo allow users to study their changes and make things perfect as they can view the 3D surface with user-controlled textures to quickly spot errors in the DTM.

Carlson P3D is highly recommended for contractors to perfect files for use for machine control – they can go in and create a design surface of the TIN and bring the TIN into P3D to get a simplified way to check to make sure that the machine control files are good.

“Editing tools include surface blending, spike and dimple removal, DTM vertex editing and surface pad placement by defined polygon and sideslope conditions,” adds Crews. “Surveyors, contractors and engineers alike can use the software to make sure the final DTM surface is of the highest quality.”

Carlson P3D is also excellent for presentations when the audience, such as a town council or a client, might not be able to read or understand construction drawings. In addition, with its built-in LandXML 2.0 import/export, users have the ability to export the files to Civil 3D®, Esri® geodatabase, Trimble, TTN, Topcon, TN3 and STL in addition to Carlson.

To see Carlson P3D Topo in action, here are two videos: Bringing Design, Survey & GIS Data Together and Create Surfaces from Multi-Gigabyte Point Clouds. For a complete list of Carlson Precision 3D Topo 2017 features or to download a demo of this dynamic, time-saving software, visit