Table of Contents – The American Surveyor – Vol.14, No1 2017

Thought Leader: The Short Cut Method
Every once in a while the right person comes along at the right time.
By Lee Lovell, Ps and Jerry Penry, PS
Decided Guidance: Boundary Fixed by Common Grantor
Confooseus say: Intentions are estimated in writing but exercised on the ground.
By Jason E. Foose, PS
Surveying the Colorado River Aqueduct
Celebrating its 75th anniversary, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California honors the contribution of surveying.
By Sherri Lee Barnes and Paul L. Tucker, PS
Indoor Mobile Mapping Takes Off at LAX
A flexible, unobtrusive method to capture a massive amount of data on a congested, complicated site.
By John Stenmark, PS
Station to Station
Providing value-add, surveyors can help general contractors and construction managers implement BIM.
By Larry Trojak
Test Yourself 38: Thinking Inside the Box
Exercising geometry and trigonometry skills.
By Dave Lindell, PS
Vantage Point: A Few Words
What you say and what you forget to say can make a difference as to reception and perception.
By Wendy Lathrop, PS, CFM