Table of Contents – The American Surveyor – Vol.13, No5 2016

Quo Vadis Surveying?
A recap of the magazine’s coverage of the NCEES and Education brouhaha.
By Marc Cheves, PS
Surveyors’ Calculation Methods Used BC
In the dark days BC (Before Calculator), surveyors invented and adapted…
By Dr. Richard L. Elgin, PS, PE
Not surveying, but rather real estate: Fascinating accounts of people who refused to sell.
By Andrew Alpern
Fifty People, Two Yaks and a Goat
Investigating why glaciers are advancing rather than retreating in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan.
By John Stenmark, PS
Traffic Monitoring Using UAV Technology
A Danish company solves the battery-life problem by tethering the UAV to a battery on the ground.
By René Lund Hansen
The Final Voyage-Part 9
I got one of those feelings, the kind of feeling you get when you realize that your plans aren’t going to work…
By Eric Stahlke, PS
Thoughts From Our Readers
Written by Letters to the Editor
Test Yourself 31: Deed, Indeed
Exercising geometry and trigonometry skills.
By Dave Lindell, PS
The Curt Brown Chronicles: What Should Be the Education of Surveyors and Cartographers?
From 1966, "The way-outers envision that ultimately, engineers should be like doctors…"
By Michael J. Pallamary, PS
Vantage Point: "I Should Have Hired a Surveyor…"
You already know where this is headed, but as the author points out, there’s hope.
By Wendy Lathrop, PS, CFM